Mister Fox

I agree, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that Far Cry 4's credits can be skipped as soon as they start.

I almost hated how early in the game you were given the STG-90. It's the best assault rifle in the game, excluding one you get just before the last mission. I spent all my time unlocking weapons only to find they were terrible compared to the STG.


I put on a viking helmet and went as "J.G. Wentworth: 877-CASH-NOW"

Derp, Derpity Derp Derp Derderp.

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking during the first article. The guy who made the original pose just sucked at posing 3D models. The "left leg," meaning the character's left leg (being on the right in the picture) is the exact same in the image you uploaded.

"ERROR- Password must be a minimum of 6 characters, including a number and symbol.

There is only one country that still has its currency backed by gold- Lebanon. All other forms of "real world money" are based on a system called "Fiat Currency," in which money is given value based on government regulation and/or law. The US dollar is not based on any standard, its value is decided solely by systems

Scooby Doo style.


Us it any coincidence that the episode of the series that covered an unfinished Valve game is episode 3?

I feel another 'shop contest starting up...


"when the guard enters the code to turn the fence off it doesn't ***** out the numbers"

I just noticed- the Garry's Mod + CS: Source bundle is still $25, but due to the sale, buying both games separately is only $15.

It may improve your vision slightly. Some Air Force pilots have better than 20/20 vision- either through natural development or military-funded laser eye surgery.

It will work, just not for games that are not designed to run on it. I hope you aren't comparing new games built around the Rift's software to games that were never meant to be first person...

This makes me wonder how quickly PCs will get PS3 and Xbox 360 emulators. We have all of the "console exclusives" for PS2 and first gen Xbox, who's to say that we won't get InFamous and the like one day?