
It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male

Yeah, if only he was as funny as Amy Schumer am I right

I never understand this. Gaming is a hobby, not some kind of weird lifestyle choice. Why would anyone force themselves to play something they don’t want to?

Are statistics biased then? MSM or men who have sex with men are statistically more likely to have HIV.

You guys made this bed. Now lay in it.

Or by being complete corporate shills. Good to know you don't care about a candidate being in the back pocket of Wall Street.

Toilets were invented by a man. Just saying.

Why is it that in current nu-media even acknowledging comments/commenters exist has become a a radical position? With every site seemingly removing their comments sections, it seems that the commenting days here are short lived.

Hi all, substitute teacher here. What these kids do is act out then refuse to move when they are requested to leave the class. Too many teachers and administrators don’t do anything at this point and the kid continues to be a shit ad infinitum. Kids are larger than they have ever been (fat) and it is hard to get a kid

He a good boy he didn’t do nothin about to get his life on track going to college my church needs mo money for dem programs

Can I yell at her for voting for the Iraq war