
I was radicalized by punk rock and Deadspin.

How dare Blizzard displease authoritarians - the rules were clearly written” is a great example of a legalistic response that entirely skips the ethical issue of supporting free speech or supporting an authoritarian regime seeking to suppress it. Blizzard has chosen to support authoritarians in its policy.

I don’t think anybody is thinking they are not within their rights. But it’s hard to imagine they didn’t have ulterior motives and natural to question those motives.

You are the same as every closet racist and bigot and I have zero respect for your actual viewpoint, which is obvious BTW. When you say, “I agree, but...” and what follows is exclusively against “I agree,” everyone knows what you really feel. And the fact that you are too much of a coward to openly state how you truly

the rules “clearly state” some vague as fuck parameters.

How’s that boot taste?

Stop. You're bad at it.

They most certainly have that right.

Blizzard absolutely has a right to control speech of players on its platform. And we have the right to criticize them for sucking up to thin-skinned authoritarians. There’s no hypocrisy there.

my guy, this website is huge within the pokemon community, there is a 100% chance nintendo and gamefreak know about it already

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

Well, the war is over and they have won. We now celebrate the cheap new $699 phone.

yeah, no.

To offend you.

You being the key word, there. Just because you’re not offended doesn’t mean others aren’t. Hate-speech is hate-speech, and the people that propagate it will take a mile if they’re given an inch.

Ah, right..”censorship”...the cowards reasoning for accepting and brushing off hate speech.

Cool, that’s one less game I have to play.

This game continues to amaze me & I don’t even play it. People should be seriously studying this universe’s history, culture, & economics as I imagine it could give a lot of insight into real world systems.

“cuck beta leftists.” I swear to god, you could not sound more desperate to seem cool as right-wing edgelords do when they string these words together.

Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.

I fucking hate the dirtbag left. I’m an anarchist, and I have a shitload of respect for almost all of my leftist peers, from auth-coms to syndicalists. But tankies, nazbols, and the dirt bag left can all fuck right off.

“Must we?”