
“2D exploration” tends to work just fine in a space like this, right? Where we all generally know games and are talking about them and any differentiating context will usually come up.

The jury was given evidence as to whether or not Monsanto was a contributing factor in their cancer. They decided who gave the most compelling evidence.

Steve lost his talk show gig because he burned the network. While he was lecturing on “playing the game” his agents were engaging in double dipping. There’s a quiet war going on between content creators, studio/ networks and agents. For a few years, agencies have been putting together “package deals” which forces

Stolen from Twitter:
Some folks really don’t understand that *foreshadowing is not the same as character development*. Like, just because you hint that something can happen in the future doesn’t mean you don’t have to do the leg work in the story to show how we arrive to that destination.”

Right, not in her eyes. So, she would have burned the city of Astapor, whose masters were attacking her, and innocent people would have suffered for it. But she didn’t burn Astapor after it surrendered to her. She didn’t burn Yunkai after it surrendered to her. And she didn’t have to be talked out of those decisions.

“If you thought that turn on Game of Thrones felt rushed, surprising, or like it came out of nowhere...you haven’t been paying attention.”

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

My friend, this is a book excerpt. Earlier in the book we learn that Angel is from Atlantic City. Thank you for your attention to detail and passion re: geography. 

It’s stuff like this that prevents me from entering a competitive environment in any game.

I have, for many years, maintained the truism that fighting with honor creates only a moral obligation to lose. If you cannot sort a route around your opponent’s tactics, that’s on you.  So long as the play was within established

Some people want to know how they can be as polite and accommodating as possible, because that’s just the way they want to be. This article is pretty clearly for people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives a tiny bit easier. It’s useful if you want to know if you’re actually helping someone by taking a

Barstool isn’t more successful than Deadspin. As Drew mentions in the piece, Deadspin gets significantly more traffic. I can’t even find Barstool on any list of top sports sites by traffic. That’s how little they matter in terms of clicks.

Gita, thank you. I can’t say I always see eye to eye with staff writers, but I can wholeheartedly say that Kotaku is a better place for having you here and that your efforts make a difference, each and every day. Your perspectives matter and it makes all of us a little smarter, more empathetic, and wiser each read. Tha

“Why even try to fight back when there’s a chance you’ll lose?” is not an argument that has ever served anyone well.

Everyone needs to unionize. Everyone. Every single person needs to be in a union.

Absent any regulatory framework, there’s no reason why it wouldn’t be set up this way.

Your first point is dumb as shit and hamstrings the rest of your “arguments”.  Instead of asking your father you could’ve used some sort of actual research skills to see that Nathan Phillips was born in 1954, and turned 18 in February 1972, a full 13 months before the US pulled out of Vietnam.  So yes, he definitely

“strong arm bullying” people into universal healthcare, free college, gun control, and economic reform is the same thing as pushing people into homophobia, racism, sexism, and fascism”

So what do you suggest? I’m serious.

I think it’s too late. Maybe the puzzle can still be solved with no real end goal in mind? That would be Destiny-appropriate actually. 

Finally someone brave enough to take on Big Nerd