
> Author: *writes an intensely personal article about their life-changing experience being part of a wonderfully vibrant video game community, how it helped them embrace their identity, how they found love and friendship and remarkable people with whom they created unforgettable memories, and how empty it feels now

You are reading a website written by unionized white collar workers. 


Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!

What a great article about how someone can have a variety of complex, nuanced—and, most importantly—evolving viewpoints about not just a divisive topic, but all the sexist/misogynistic baggage around that character. Thank you for writing this.

What the fuck is this fucking sentence? Jesus. “Say what you will about this guy who perpetuates ‘no girls allowed’ toxic masculinity in the alt-right redpill breeding ground and drops n-bombs with the weak-ass 90s-era ‘just singin’ along brah!’ excuse, he presses buttons good!” is a fucking idiotic take. A n-bomb is

This makes me very happy!!! (I’m not that guy’s wife btw)

I keep my PB in the fridge but I buy the natural stuff where you hve to stir the oil into it on a regular basis and keeping it cold helps to prevent it from separating. 

The presentation alone on this is brilliant - it’s simultaneously something you’re controlling and interacting with in real time while also being the playback of an old video tape. It creates an interesting dissonance/contradiction that I’ve not seen any other game do. It goes beyond what Thirty Flights or Paratopic

If you don’t like it, do something else. Get a different job.

Let’s be real. If I was working at Rockstar I would not just suddenly feel able to actually complain about any concerns or worries I have. This is less a chance for folks to legitimately open up and more like when Amazon warehouse workers are like “It’s fine! I never even think about urinating anymore!”

Dozens of people have approached me anonymously, actually. (Check out the last graf of this story.)

Yeah, all these positive stories that are being circulated on social media as a result of Rockstar sending a company wide email telling their employees to share positive stories on social media seems ... forced somehow.

Ahh, the “you’re not telling the truth but i won’t say anything to prove otherwise but I promise i’m right” schtick.

You know, this is a horseshit comment, and while your intentions are no doubt good, you appear to have forgotten where you’re aiming. This is Kotaku. We have our faults, but pulling punches ain’t one of them.

yeah, thats why its not as funny,now. Not because people have gotten too pc, but because now it just feels like salt in an open wound.

I also think that. Seinfeld wanted to attribute young people not laughing to them being too sensitive. Maybe people just don't really find hacky material about floppy hands looking gay and French to be all that hilarious. 

Kinjapocalpse opened a rift and we now share the AV Club with members of Nazi alternate universe AV Club.

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.