
What is it with you people. You just think games media should pretend that emulation doesn’t exist?


and what colors I have it in

ohai it me

Fucking herb

And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.

The problem is famous people have different standards about what they can and can’t say, BECAUSE their fame is a weapon. That may sound unfair but there’s plenty of precedent on the topic. And this is how it should be - it doesn’t matter that some normal non-famous person dissed your shit. You are opening yourself up

Oh look someone who doesn't understand the internet and loves a boot on his neck.

Dude. An asterisk? Really?

Holy hell, the grays is just a ton of guys bouncing on Elon’s dick.

Seems like a pretty solid take, it’s too bad you don’t have a sense of humor, Elon.

My congratulations to serial child molester Elon Musk for beating this obviously frivolous lawsuit and I hope he can now continue raping dogs in peace.

You don’t have to do this.

What is worth 60 dollars? 

I tend to say that in the majority of human history, the poor were just literally starved to death. Whereas now, we have unhealthy, cheap, subsidized food where the poor are killed by diabetes or heart disease instead. And then blamed for it.

So everything in Overwatch 2 could be in Overwatch 1, it will even receive the improved graphics and models...

Excellent reply and what you mention about the Athletic rings 100% true. Intelligent media for the last 20 years is in decline, just as it is with print media.

Heather, this is my favourite review of yours in a while out of consistently great articles; it’s wonderful and insightful. Tim, I’m only twenty-odd minutes into the hour, but it’s typically playfully elegant and soothing to listen to.

God, this review is amazing. Thanks Heather (and also Tim for the video). Curious though, did you ever encounter Tim’s creations on your server or vice versa?