
“Better raps than Encore” and “better beats than Recovery” is such a low bar to clear and definitely not the same as a “good album”

Hes anything but a dick, hes always been very clearly, an emotional person who genuinely cares for his fans and family.

I think the person telling you that “you’ve been hacked” is actually the one trolling you. Another account is making the same claim to several different people, all with the same image, and just the user icon/name/time changed. Every single one has the same dropdown menu for another user named “jtrap” who has a

Honey, someone’s hacked your account. Change your passwords

Well that was just weird.

Hey Guys,

Speaking of Fred Armisen, I was really expecting there to be new accusations about him coming out.

Am I the powerful man?

Agreed. I happen to catch part of it, usually, but I don’t go out of my way. That said, thank heavens some of the skits have been canned. I’d much rather listen to music I might not otherwise been exposed to than hear another Private Eye or Dusty/Lefty story or ketchup promo. The word ‘hoary’ was invented just to

sure Jan.

Decided not to read the article before commenting? Keillor owns the name. Continuing to use it would mean continuing to pay Keillor, which they don’t want to do.

Anecdote: Kotaku has been pretty much my go-to source for the last 8 years give or take. My Discord filled with guildmates and other online gaming friends have some kind of Rage-Boner for the site. Something I’m reminded of everytime I try and share an article of something cool and they freak out.

When you see people complaining about “bad” game journalism, they really should be talking about things like this, but instead, they rage about sites like Kotaku or Polygon giving a game from BELOVED FRANCHISE #2928 a “bad” review until their brains explode.

No, he saw a game with an issue about how it approaches difficulty, and then used that as a prompt to address how bad difficulty sliders/choices are as a whole. Some people don’t want games to be super hard and Wolfenstein 2 is just contributing to the bad implication that people who like easy games are losers.

I...you’ve never met an alcoholic or looked into the doctorate of AA and it’s ilk, have you?

Bitcoin isn’t real?

lol what are you going on about

Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.

Yeah. Writers are ruining the franchise...by reporting on EA’s decisions.