
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:

Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with

You should take a look at how Titanfall 2 does monetisation:

Worker and consumer rights are absolutely moral issues, largely because compensation for labor and the cost of goods (at least under capitalism) is fundamentally exploitative in execution. Usually, we roll with it and that’s fine. For instance, I don’t have a problem giving my guy at the bodega a buck for a soda even

You’ve officially cemented yourself as my favorite author on Kotaku since that last loot box article and this one makes me love you more.

Okay, some further editorial.

Loot crates have always been a moral issue that the industry (publishers, devs, journalists, influencers, and whoever else) has mostly ignore or dismissed and that’s incredibly screwed up. Even cosmetic focused crates, which don’t affect gameplay, use specific audio/visual cues and

Democracy takes courage.

 Fuck Trump voters. A few of my fellow Liberal friends always criticize me for my hateful attitude towards them and other bigots. Saying I should be try to be nice to them and win over their hearts and minds. Fuck that. It’s not my job. I’m no therapist. Some act like I’m worse than Richard Spencer because I would

Now playing

I REALLY am loathe to defend Trump, but video CLEARLY shows Abe doing it first. This is why alt-right idiots bleat on about fake news.

Considering just how it went down, it seems like it could lead to an emotionally better path ahead for J. Jonah Jameson, but we’ll have to wait and see if he’s really capable of giving up one of his oldest, hardest grudges now that he knows the face behind Spider-Man’s mask.

So, at first I was annoyed by this blatant profiting of addictive tendencies that loot boxes are becoming.

Nice try Activision.

The ironic thing is that Marshawn Lynch represents everything that chuds used to complain was missing from pro sports. He loves playing football, shows that love with how he plays, is a genuinely interesting and thoughtful person, dislikes and distrusts the media and the more commercial aspects of the sport, and

Good thing this is “Kotaku” and not “Things That Tekton Cares About”.

And there you have the problem with “ironic racism.” You may be intending to make fun of “actual racists,” but to the person on the receiving end of your comments, it can be no different than if they’d gotten those same comments from an actual redneck. I mean, honestly, what is the difference? Whether you’re mocking

Totally. It’s hard. It’s good they tried. But I was surprised when I was told that no people of color worked on the adventure directly. That would have been a good start.

Oh, this happens to me all the time, too. A few years ago I spoke to my father about something he made me do (not sexual or harmful, just a scary physical swimming challenge) when I was very young, and he vehemently denied that anything like that and would never do that to a young girl. Yeah—he may not remember it

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

There is none, just as there isn’t really a male equivalent of “bitch.” Not all terms have one to one gender counterparts.

Guys is age neutral. The word you’re looking for is “boys” not “guys.”