
Crack dealers for twenty, because reasons.

Up to five years?

I love your Peanuts articles, thanks for these.

Except maybe that woman who was run over by a car and died because she was protesting a Nazi march.

Red Dead 2 will launch with a horde survival mode that will be nicknamed Alamo mode. It will feature players trying to defend a poorly fortified structure against an army of Mexican Banditos. The Mexican Banditos will be there strictly for satirical purposes poking fun at American’s recent immigration issues and

If this happened before he made a “Death to Jews” joke, if it happened before all his Nazi jokes, if it happened before his twitter relationship with Alt-Right trolls like Lauren Southern (who gives us Canadians a bad name), if it happened before his jokes about Charlottesville, if it happened before his

It was something that I said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of, and it just sort of slipped out. I’m not going to make any excuses for why it did”

And Kinja’s stupid infinite scrolling claims yet another victim...

Good. There are no good cops. Just accomplices.

Did you know she was part of the 1998 and 2002 Winter Olympics ski team?

If you’re not willing to wear a helmet while operating a car/truck/tractor/bicycle/horse/racing snail/etc. then you really have no business nannying a motorcyclist who chooses to let the wind flow through their hair.

Fantastic read Nathan. You mention that you don’t have to micromanage the Avatar project so much. Does that ease some of that tension? I remember playing vanilla Xcom 2, and sometimes it just felt TOO stressful...

I’m gonna do a post in a day or two asking people to share their best ones. Super excited to see what people come up with (and hear the stories behind them)!

I normally don’t care about photo modes in games but for some reason, the poster creator is so fucking rad in this. I don’t know what it is that clicks with me but it’s fun as hell. After the first mission and making the first one I already knew time was going to be wasted.

At least 45% (if not more) of my coverage in 2016 and 2017 has been about webcomics or small press, which are dominated by stuff other than old white guys. For half of 2015 and 2016 I reviewed exclusively comics with at least one person of color on the creative team. Last year’s comics week I wrote about how small

I don’t even know what a core game mechanic that codified sexuality would even look like. Would there be Feats? New Skills? Would Sexuality join the 6 existing ability scores? Proficiency in hitting on people? Would Paladins get an Oath of Eroticism?

Oh. You’re one of those people...who doesn’t understand what the DM is there for.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.