UI 2.0

When a robot chozo soldier stabs Quiet Robe in the back, the two models aren’t anywhere close to each other.

Yup, or how a rich person has enough income to buy in bulk and a large enough home to store the bulk.

Where does your friend live? That makes a huge difference and 2008 was a whole different ball park then vs now.

I’ve only gave the simple version. The longer version goes into explaining about how much one earns and fix expenses.

I mean, I understand taxes to an extent doing accounting and managing my own investments.

Every bit of delay means she can reinvest the money saved. If she invest wisely, the money owed to the IRS in comparison to her net worth will be much smaller 10 years from now than it is today.

This will always remind me about ‘Boots’ Theory of Socioeconomic Unfairness. Where the rich person can afford a good pair of boots ($50) that will last for many years whereas the person can only afford to buy an okay pair of boots that still gets wet ($10) and last maybe a season or two.

When success is generally measured by how much money you make, then greed sets in.

It’s a shame all the sponsors/logo are gone from Tiger & Bunny and looks to be gone from 2.

Opposite for me. The card system is what makes it a go for me. Have you ever played Metal Gear Ac!d?

If Apple is facing the same issue where they’ve slashed iPad production, then I can’t imagine Sony and the PS5 being an exception.

Even with experience building a few PC, I still had to go back a few times when building my most recent one.

One of the new episode has Marge talk about her high school drama club days that took place in 1999 (Musical about upcoming Y2K bug scare).

What value does announcing a game an hour or two really bring to the table?

Take the Actraiser announcement : would I have been less surprised and thrilled if I learned it through a leak instead of the direct? No, I wouldn’t.

Sometimes static advertisement have its place especially when you’re surrounded by giant LED boards.

I think it’s the whole world building where like an alternate world exist just for Assassins, and every thug/mob/scum/doctor/etc seem to be in on it. Not so much that it’s a huge problem that needs fixing.

Yeah, it feels like everyone is trying to be John Wick.

Unless the cost for multiplatform is near flat and really just a click of a port button, then when it comes to the bottom line there is a difference.

Sony doesn’t own Spider-Man. The only rights they have are for the movies but as for the games, that’s Disney/Marvel. It has been said many times that Marvel approached Sony to make an exclusive and Marvel gave Insomniac free rein on the choice. It just happened to be Spider-Man.