UI 2.0

Whatever it is, I’m buying. I have the PS1 and the PSP version.

Reminds me of my high school year when I lend a friend $2 despite being broke because she said she’ll pay me back.

This sounds like a plot lifted off some hentai manga. I dig it.

It’s so done to death and used for everything so loosely related to freedom of speech that it’s almost a parody at this point.

That’s why everytime publishers considers Friday release, I make sure to let them know “no”. It’s a hassle from in-store pick up and for shipping.

Best romance anime is Nikki Mirai.

MHW is the only game that sends my PS4 Pro fan into overdrive, and I’ve had the system since launch. My friend’s Pro also has the fan going up when playing MHW.

It’s not wasteful but when the biggest reason is that politicians are using aesthetics and flash to camouflage failing infrastructures and mechanics, that’s a problem. Aesthetics is one of the biggest thing that they use to further their political ground by “doing something” without doing anything.

Looks like Jigglypuff from the Croneberg universe.

There have been reports about Ubisoft server also having issues around the time regarding the Meltdown patch.

Middle name should be Rick.

I made a recent investment to Aurora Cannabis. It’s down now due to them buying out CanMed but that happens with any takeover.

All I have to say is that the whole situation is doing fantastic work for my stock portfolio. So, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I miss the days where dumbphone alarms ran on a separate battery and would still go off even if the phone is completely off.

I would love it if Blizzard made a dedicated mecha game.

I have, not to the point of cutting communication but definitely heard objections to try and seed doubts.

Yeah, the lack of a physical copy for PS4 has significantly drop the chances of me getting the game.

I guess if you live in an area where apartment supply outweighs renter demand.

It’s already showing its age by being slow to load AA, not that it was very fast to begin with but feels more sluggish in response compare to about 2 years ago.

Totally agree with your sentiment here. I’ve said the same thing about smartwatches right before they became big, and now have fizzled out to nearly nothing.