That’s why 2FA exist.
That’s why 2FA exist.
Also, look up Pure Chess. The game has crossplay between PS4, PS3, PSVita, WiiU, Android, iOS, 3DS and PC.
Let’s not forget. Pure Chess has crossplay between Android, PS4, PS3, PSVita, iOS, PC, and WiiU. But not the Xbox version.
As I said, saying you’ll do something means nothing if your policy will shortchange your competitors. It’s like saying, I’ll do something but it has to be my way or the highway. Some devs won’t care because at the end of the day, they just flip a switch and it’s not their job nor within their expertise to make sure…
If you read the article, SE is waiting on MS to revise their policy before green lighting even though MS approach them.
Hardly a lalala strategy. Action speaks louder than word, and MMO are the shining example where crossplay is a driving force. So until crossplay can happen for a game like FFXIV where SE has been pushing for it hard against MS policy, what MS says now are mere words. But we’ll agree to disagree.
Until for a game like FFXIV goes crossplay, MS hasn’t proven anything regarding their actual policies on crossplay.
Yeah, MS is definitely holding back. All they did was provide lipservice knowing full well it’s not happening. When they were winning, they refused when Sony ask for the same thing. Now, MS say they are willing but have yet to prove it when MMO still haven’t jump to crossplay.
Which is why you are blind to see why it’s lip service. I’m not saying it’s the best thing but MS has done nothing to prove they are willing to do crossplay either. MMO still can’t crossplay with PC or PS4. All they did was say say a few words that they are willing but done zero to prove it.
Which is no different from last gen when Sony told devs they were willing to do cross-play with MS but MS didn’t allow it since 360 was selling better. This is literally no different. It’s all lip service.
That’s what you call lip service. MS says they’re ready but in reality, they have none of their policies set up where it will work with Sony’s policies regarding online. MMO on Xbox One is still isolated from PC/PS4 community. That speaks louder than MS’s words.
Most of them are actually Japanese Import.
This is why exclusives are important. Anyone who says it isn’t are just fooling themselves. Almost no one buys a system for solely multiplat titles. People buy a system for exclusives.
Dang, sorry to hear that. I would have agreed to 3 years but 7 is a long time.
On goodwill for now. Sooner or later, outside of competitive games, I think more companies will follow Nintendo’s example if things gets out of hand.
She don’t really care. She watches a ton of Let’s Play and for her, as long as she get a story (doesn’t matter if the choices are hers), she’s content. She doesn’t see games as art or anything like that, more like something like McD fast food. As long as she get her entertainment out of it, it doesn’t matter if the…
I think what truly makes a linear story a $0 experience into $60 experience is the investment. When you play, you have to actively invest your energy, time, and attention. You start to shape your character’s action/choices to reflect how you interpret the story. You interact with certain characters more versus another…
What does that have to do with the active intention of “just spoil the hell out of the game”.
Then should we put all forms of media on public domain? Because what you’re suggesting is that because Atlus can’t effectively stop the entire spread of spoiler/information, therefore they should do nothing at all.
Obviously no one can truly stop the spread of information once it’s out but the most Atlus can do is tell everyone to don’t do it (so if legal issues arise, they have an official statement) and defend (using takedowns, and to prove to the court if necessary that they are defending their IP).