UI 2.0

Shipping has been a thing since forever. I recall argument if Kimberly is a better match with Tommy or Jason.

Harry x Ron

Yup, it’s the case of “If you build a bigger wall, they will use a bigger ladder.”

But can you make a clan of Vampire Hunters to kill Vampires?

You can but it lacks what made the gyro controls so great. The screen moves with the player therefore making the perspective fixed to the player oppose to using it on a TV which the perspective will be fixed to the screen.

I love the control on the Vita. It felt so natural. I tried to play the Remaster and kinda stop because the control isn’t the same. The Vita benefit from the fact that you can move the screen with the control.

Bad news.

If the game ever make it, it’s also on PC.

It’s not really a game to be played by dance pad. Not even the arcade have a dance pad.


Also have a few hundred hours in OW, experienced it quite a few time where I get hooked through the walls/corners.

When it’s constantly grabbing and pulling players through walls? I hardly call that fine.

It’s not a perfect fix but better than before where the hook magically grab and pull people through different dimensions.

Because some people are assholes? On top of fraud, this individual went about and beyond to ruin the day for a bunch of people.

Unfortunately it is. There are also people who are very good at opening shrink wrap and then use a little glue to reseal.

Doubtful it was an employee. It’s most likely someone who bought it and returned.

About time, it’s pretty annoying to be hooked through a bunch of people and through the wall.

I think long term, so I always go nuclear. It usually becomes dirt cheap and easy to convince another to fix the price.

This was the one KS out of more than 20 I’ve backed that was in any danger of failing. Omocat and the developers were pretty damn quiet about their progress most of the time.

I thought it wasn’t J-Pop enough. The localization toned down the story.