UI 2.0

It’s the opposite situation. The PS4 version is the original, and they’re porting to Vita due to demand hence why the game got delayed.

Really? I A ranked every mission for the main story (for some reason, Sega decided A is the highest rank you can get in the localized version oppose to S).

I love Prison School, it had me dying with laughter. It steps on that tiny intersection of where absurdity, seriousness, over-the-top, wittiness, humor, and fan service all mix. Remove any of the element, and it topples.

Yeah, I thought they were kinda meh especially compare to his other works. But maybe he had his reason for making it the way it is or maybe it’s just random sketches because the artist thought it was cool.

I took a look at the artist’s page. There isn’t anything in there that suggest he was going for Cyberpunk. I think it might be a case of Luke misattributing the work to cyberpunk genre.

I don’t think we can even call it cyberpunk. Nothing on the artist’s page suggest he was going for a cyberpunk theme. I think it’s just Luke misattributing the art for cyberpunk.

It’s not necessary the lack of coverage but certain areas block off signal for one reason or another. It could also be congestion which can happen in large metropolitan areas.

Yeah, it isn’t but it’s also possible to have the odds disclosed for a normal draw. Depends on how clear they want to make it.

You can give the odds, and a disclaimer that just says, if Legendary don’t appear after x boxes, automatically gives a legendary.

You know what, that’s a good thing. I’ve always wonder about the odds, and if it was even fair when it comes to these loots (not just Overwatch but more so with mobile games).

The difference is just the side being roundish for the Vita, and squarish for the Switch.

At the beginning of the season, I ran into a few imitators. I haven’t had time to play since but it was definitely a shitty experience.

I think it’s easy to say, not everything will cater to your taste. That’s okay, there are options. However, it’s entitlement (and frankly insane) to think everything within a single medium must cater to your taste.

Don’t confuse median as a genre. Anime is not a genre. You’ve decided to pick up an ecchi show, you get ecchi content.

Just seems odd Zelda would be dressed so casually.

When I played it at E3, it definitely had framerate issues, clipping, and zero AA.

Signs is debatable. However, The Last Airbender was an abomination, disservice to fans and non-fans alike, and has zero redeemable quality. The movie went against everything the TV show is and tried to be.

It also has something to do with their logo.

Because Kojima is fun, and has made quite a few hits (even if they were sleeper). I really wish we could have gotten a Zone of the Ender 3.

Yes, people are reading too much into this. For all we know, that could be Zelda.