
You didn’t, because you wouldn’t view a statement like “Breast Cancer Research Matters” as implying in any way that other types of cancer research don’t matter. Yet you insist upon reading that implication into the phrase “Black Lives Matter” based on your personal perception of the goals of both statements.

You strike me as a racist misogynist.

Stand up right now if you wanted to be treated the way black people are in this country.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

Whelp, looks like I'm just gonna have to continue never going to South Dakota again.

Funny that you would choose this article, which you were not forced to click on and which by the time you posted this comment had been pushed to the bottom of Deadspin’s front page by more than eight posts about sports, to complain about the lack of sports. How’d you end up here, my dude?

He [Donald Trump] gets South Park—its cheap spite, its self-congratulation, the fantasy that privileged scorn for political correctness is subversive, rather than the exact opposite—better than the Pauls ever did...

Yeah, that shot from The Piano is one of a kind, if you’ve never seen The Night of the Hunter.

I wont claim to know the circumstances of this break up, but it sounds like for the past few years he has been the king of "WHATEVER BITCH ITS NOT LIKE I LIKED YOU ANYWAY"

As a Giants fan, I will never understand why most teams (especially in the playoffs where it’s do or die) don’t try to get to Brady like the Broncos did yesterday. It’s almost like teams play passively vs Brady when that is precisely what he wants.

Justin Houston was hurt most of that game, but it’s not just hitting/pressuring Brady. You have to be able to get to him with 3 or 4 rushers only and drop everyone else into coverage. This is basically what the Giants, Ravens, Jets and now Broncos have been able to do in important playoff games. Without a dominating

Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.

Haha. Blue milk.

Pardon, fair maiden, I’m hoping you will
Attend my abode for some Netflix & chill.

I don’t think it’s what Bill and Camille talked about that’s even in question. Camille Cosby is involved in the philanthropy of the Cosby estate —and I’m pretty sure she is an officer that’s considered to have a fiduciary duty.

To this day, the story of the Tucker still makes me crazy. If only, if only, if only. Not to mention, they were and are gorgeous.

She’s from the old school method of consent. The belief is that a little consent (drinking alcohol in the presence of a man, wearing too little clothing, going into the territory of a man alone) is the same thing as consenting to EVERYTHING.

You act as if she hasn’t already proven without a doubt that she’s utter trash.

It must suck to hate every single Gawker article but have the severe OCD that forces you to read them all anyway...