No Pete Puma—one of the most demented characters in the Warner’s cartoon family?
I wanted to scroll through to see if someone called the marketing end situation outout.
He DID try to sell the “my arm was coming forward with the pass” move well after he was stripped. I mean, I GET it. An awful thing just happened. You KNOW it and you’re doing whatever you can in the immediate moments afterward to fix it. But yeah, I thought the refs were gonna totally let him get away with it—‘cause…
Howsabout a discussion of something brutally obvious from the scarifying photo of Labor Secretary Acosta there?
When you can bankrupt A F*CKING LICENSE TO PRINT MONEY...I mean, a casino’s sole intent is to rob 97% of the visitors and you f*ck THAT up? That’s like managing to defy gravity with your feet in hard-dried sidewalk panel of cement.
Being born wealthy masks the most brutal results of stupidity. It gives one the cushion to repeat idiot behaviors with a larger safety net than the average person. He is not smart. He is basically stupid and said stupidity is reinforced by the fact that technically, there is no need for him to not be so. He has a…
And when he loses it totally when Diane Keaton’s Kay emotionally stabs him with the abortion revelation. But the silent, 40-second build to that 10 megaton explosion is amazing.
His quiet, tortured performance in ‘03’s “People I Know” is a subtle, late career revelation. He ditched the singsong-y bellowing tic he’d adopted for waaaaaayyyy too long and went for a wounded dog play that worked really well. A delicate, “less is more” take. I place that in Bad Good Pacino. I mean, the catalyst in…
Or the awfulness that is Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
There may be no one thing as hair-pullingly myopic as a college soph walking around with a dog-eared copy of “The Fountainhead“ in their back pocket while railing away about all of the utter unfairness he or she has endured in their life as yet unlived.
I was just having this exact discussion about “Blazing Saddles” last night. One of the people I was talking to parroted The shopworn, old “ you could never make this movie now, it’s so offensive to everyone , blah-blah the pc people would sink it on Rotten Tomatoes” trope.
Lebron’s anticipation of that top of the key desperation pass is kinda scary. He’s moving before the Raptor player it’s intended for is. It’s not even fair. Damn.
Been a long, looooooong time since Murrow, Cronkite and Sevareid prowled the halls at Black Rock, trailing scattered wire reports and curlicues of cigarette smoke—back when they actually CALLED CBS “The Tiffany Network” and they boasted that great NEWS division that didn’t have to answer to the entertainment division…
What do you expect him to wipe his *ss with after a sh*t in the woods? Bark?
She was his “business manager”. Ever since he almost went bankrupt in the late seventies because of a Madoff-type who scammed a sh*tload of Hollywood types, she’s handled his business affairs (pardon the unfortunate pun). She had to sign off on monies disbursed, and apparently, Bill shelled out a gang on ducats paying…
Goddamn this wood-on-wood crime!
Trump is one of those singularly clever (notice I did not say smart) people who is willfully dumb as a bag of rocks about sh*t that doesn’t matter to HIM. Deal-cutting and “sheistiness” he is as slick as a whip on—everything else? Meh. When you’re rich, A lot of other stuff doesn’t matter. His utter bed-sh*t on the…
Or someone related to this cop in an ancillary way or one of the other ones set to go on trial. They realize that if one falls, it dramatically increases the risk of ALL of ‘em falling. As I’ve come to find out, EVERYBODY is somehow related so SOMEBODY down there, so folks are covering their peeps’ *sses.