
Conway later discussed Clinton’s weird hair and fucked up complexion.

Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA —incl. @DavidHogg111. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.

I would try to help but AS A LADY, I’m too busy shopping and driving badly to concentrate on such complicated subjects as why white men get to be individuals while the rest of us are stuck with a group identity we can’t shake even when we want to.

As many have accurately observed (obligatory h/t Driftglass) there are really only about 8? Brooks columns -that are just endlessly rearranged with the same boring wrong -headed suppositions from the lofty perspective of a culturally isolated boring white guy. They are shuffled and extruded out on some kind of regular

I’ve peen placing odds on Trump firing Mueller either Friday night or Saturday in an attempt to draw attention away from both the Stormy Daniels interview on 60 Minutes and the Gun Control march.

I guess he’ll ultimately have to settle for a public defender. Don’t they tend to skew Democrat?

id watch the NBA Clone League

I’m right there in your age bracket, and grew up in Chicago as a Bulls fan, but LeBron is honestly a once-in-a-lifetime athlete to watch. He’s got way more variety and range to his game than Jordan ever did. The argument I always default to is that peak Jordan would beat peak LeBron in one on one, but if you were to

I mean, it’s not surprising. Many of these people have essentially been living as though they were elected local-emperor-for-life because no one was ever challenging them. Now that they actually may have to get up and try, even if they don’t have to try TOO hard (like Cruz), they don’t know how. It’s like getting back

T’Challa only took one L. It’s not his fault that M’Baku got tired. You don’t hear George Forman saying I was beating Ali’s ass for all dem rounds; I just got tired.

“If you’re Irish, or just white and violent...” How can you not laugh trying to say that?

Sadly, I think it has to do with the age and future purchasing power of the high schoolers who survived.

I assume the hair situation is likely at the core of most, if not all, of these payoffs we’re hearing about. No one can hear the truth about the hair!

Won’t someone think of the poor, inbred, dumb white supremacists?

I wasn’t aware that the murder of children was a partisan issue. Who knew?

Last time I checked the AARP was not trying to buy political backing to make sure that blue hairs

Mnuchin called this a “tragedy.” Sorry, Secretary, but no. A tornado is a “tragedy.” Faulty wiring that leads to a building catching on fire is a “tragedy.”

Every one of you assholes who vote Republican have blood on your hands. You’re all complicit. There’s no fixing you. These last two years have proven that. The United States of America can no longer function as one country. Not when half of you are totally cool with children dying as collateral damage so your

“He really is just like us!”

Sean Hannity needs to be hauled out into the street and shot. It’s absolutely fucking unconscionable that someone as prominent as he is, working for the MSM, can throw out any load of fucking lies he feels like night after night with zero regard for the danger it’s causing and how it is destroying the very fabric of