
Still believes in the triangle........

Usually the Hinrich maneuver is used to prevent someone from choking.

Noted Internet troll Weev has taken up residence there.

You're a piece of shit. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you.

Ah yes, Down Inside the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. DIMBO is prime real estate.

Oh I love it when people try to pull the "I have autistic children so I'm an expert" card. I can beat that. I WAS an autistic child. I outrank you.

Hey, guess what.

You know, I'm just about sick and tired of "tolerating" a bunch of ignorant provincial hicks who openly express their wish that we roll back the 20th Century.

Do us a favor, and fuck off. No one gives a shit about loser Red Sox fans so obsessed with seeking validation from their Yankee big brothers , especially when they show up and root for our Mariners. Seriously, fuck off back to New England. You aren't wanted here.

only 755 humidity, here in Chicago we will get high 90's to 100's and 90% humidity...worst of both worlds folks, we get just as hot, and just as cold. shit tons of snow in the winter, ice storms that cover every road with an inch of ice every spring and fall..guess what it doesn't shut down the city.

Ok Megyn Kelly, you own this now.

Stephen A. Smith: [barely mumbling, literally impossible to understand] skip lemme tell ya something. i remember the first time i laid eyes on john f kennedy. now let me tell you skip about the time i first laid eyes on john f kennedy. i said [suddenly screaming] SKIP BAYLESS I SAID NOW THIS [mumbles] is a [screams]

"Oh no - no way. You think I believe the OFFICIAL story of what happened in Dallas? I've gone over the plan, the trajectory - it just doesn't add up. How could an experienced marksman have his target lined up, take his shot, then have some sort of magic physics change the trajectory as it hits the target?"

I freaking HATE tap to click. The whole pad is a button, it just seems better to get a tactile feel. Every time I use someone else's MacBook I accidentally drag stuff around or click things I didn't want. Two finger click for control-click is second nature to me, and I forced myself into using natural scrolling and

Fine. Are you going to try to convince me now that I should care about the inane ramblings of an anonymous person on the internet? I've been participating in online flame wars since before there was an internet. You mean nothing to me. You are an entertaining waste of time - which is fine, because everyone needs a

Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays.