
That’s his Fifty Shades of Ray room.

Josh Brent.

That, on its face, is illegitimacy, even before we get to the part where our geopolitical rival national press spent the entire election selectively releasing negative information only on the side they wanted to lose.

Hey, please don’t talk about Eli that way.

Ha ha, your city got burned to the ground once.

This is me, playing a deep, mellow song, on an instrument slightly larger than a violin.

To be fair, he lost his punctuation digit while gambling.

So a guy stepped on a seal. Beat it to death, why don’t you.

Excuse me, but I believe I ordered the Cleveland Steamer.

Rugby is the national sport of New Zealand. You spelled “habits” with two b’s. New Zealand is the primary home of hobbits.

Offensive Pass Interference.

I don’t know if you did that on purpose, but excellent joke.

And by “cut”, I can only assume you mean “shanked”.

The anonymous tipster? Justin.

I don’t get it.

Reporter: [Shows Harbaugh photograph of voluptuous woman in bikini]

Please tell us more.

I’d have kicked his ass.

Bitch Burfict

Clearly smarter than you, I set the recording for one hour past scheduled end time. My DVR cut off at 4th and 1 in the second overtime.