Technically, no. They just didn’t renew his contract after 2006.
Technically, no. They just didn’t renew his contract after 2006.
I am totally in favor of Trump’s wall... as long as it has a glory hole.
Don’t worry; you will at the very least look competitive against the Giants next week.
I’m sure President Kaine will do a fabulous job prosecuting.
I hate to break it to you, Drew, but Madonna’s not going to give you a blow job.
To make matters worse, the homeless guy had a nut allergy.
whether they wanted it or not.
Looks like someone got another text from Anthony Weiner.
Quit whining.
“It doesn’t matter what the legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.” - Scott Foval
I agree. And we should use pitching machines instead of real pitchers, too. Because, you know, the technology exists.
I can’t wait for one to be thrown over the heart of his face.
Jim Harbaugh is a sensible fellow, and alcoholic beverages were not included in the 78% discount.
What are the odds Rex Ryan trots out Laurence Powell and Timothy Wind as honorary captains?
This pedantic literal translation of an idiom that has been around for decades does nothing to defeat Trump.
Shush, Donald! Quit giving away all my secrets!
Are you sure that was beer?
Look! Up in the sky!