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David Lynch had the best evil clown safety alert:

Sounds like my high school bus trip to DC, except instead of crytposporidium, it was tequila.


Wait... that wasn’t a real gorilla?

First down, but not touchdown.

Watch this hypocrite. He boycotts the military, which doesn’t make the decisions to go to war, but he’ll gladly accept the invitation to the White House when the Knicks win the title next year.

I’ll bet you never post this comment, am I right?

Whose probably?

Does that include syphilis? Cuz I got a friend who might want his number.

I fully expect to be reimbursed for the cake stand and salad tongs.

I think it has something to do with that Jennifer Aniston movie.

Be honest. You don’t really have a “Facebook-posting uncle,” do you?

This comment is underrated.

Maybe they’re trying to lose every game so they can move to Florida.

Oh, I agree, it’s a hell of a risk. I had a chance of doing it once, in Jacksonville, FL, when out for a run. It was very, very tempting, but I decided to just wait it out.

That’s clearly the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone who has ever attempted to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

No, it’s possible. Trains like that go slow as shit through a town. Like 3-5 mph. You can easily jump up onto the hitch and over.

Fuck that guy.

Honduras. The word you’re looking for is Honduras.