
“FUCK YOU, SANDWICH!!!” Biff! Bam! Bop!

Oh, I get it. Seattle Reign. Like “Rain”. Because it “rains” a lot in Seattle. Clever.

Are you kidding? It changes everything. There is no way the men’s team would ever lose that Sweden game.

Was he going pro? No? Then you were doing God’s work.

It’s five o’clock somewhere.

That’s not a true bat flip.

This is so stupid. Would they rather he drive tired, too?

Thank you! I can’t believe I had to scroll this far! He didn’t only win; he’s got drugs waxing his cars for the next fifty years.

I guess we’ll never know if the same action would have been taken against a male player after getting eliminated in the Olympics.

“Plus they spelled both of my names wrong after I told them, but that was not the main issue. I guess they do not have tabs on me.”

“My God, it’s full of stars.”

This article made me horny.

Don’t worry; that was a Monty Python skit. (That was a Monty Python skit, right?)

Hammer Throw. I’d hit myself in the head.

Shoulda taken a boat.

I disagree. Have you ever had a swift kick to the nuts? On most days, I’d rather have an empty thanks.

At first glance I thought yours was a response to BizMarkie Biyombo, and I was like, “This dude likes to party!”

THAT is how you sabbatical, Landon.

23. Kegel squeezers

Not on those who matter, Nilo.