It’s a little known fact that a black bear can squeeze their entire body through a hole the size of their dick.
It’s a little known fact that a black bear can squeeze their entire body through a hole the size of their dick.
Howard’s Wend
What if my empathy accidentally causes me to change my mind?
Did they have to squeeze his neck so hard?
That is so creative I have no choice but to believe it really happened.
Only if you want to.
Reggie: Three swings, three home runs. (This is still a sports site, right?)
Rule #1: Don’t get caught.
Ben Stiller had all the luck. Murphy’s Night at the Museum consisted of Henry Flagler sitting in his rocking chair, talking about his railroad.
I’m sure he was just extremely careless.
I would have to see said third breast in order to have a fully formed opinion.
The “gymternet” is a-
A-Rod declined because Junior wouldn’t let him say “Yeah, Jeets!”
You contradict yourself.
It was a makeup call for Messi’s earlier dive when he came up begging for the guy to be sent off.
I did expect people to be hanging from lamp posts after that whole Brexit thing, but this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
Thank you.
Chewbacca was a wookie.