
I’ve seen them a few times at 930, but it was after 2011, so I wasn’t in that documentary. They put on an amazing, amazing live show. The first time I was them was at an outdoor festival they headlined, and Gogol Bordello came on right before them. That was such a spectacle, I didn’t think the headliner could possibly

I did that too a while back. I was hoping to discover new, similar-ish music out of it, but I only remember Thievery. You ever see them live?

Actually, I don’t even know if Pandora is still around, or if people use it, but you create a channel and seed it with songs or musicians that you like. I used to seed it with a handful of bands to give the algorithm a good understanding of what I mean, but this girl just said, “David Bowie. Do your thing, Pandora.”

At a NYE house party I went to a few years ago, the music that was playing was so eclectic and awesome. From Led Zeppelin, the Stones, the Who, and the Dead, to the Talking Heads, to Weezer and Ween, and up to Vampire Weekend (and I’m leaving out so much more). I asked how she made the mix, and she said, “Oh, it’s

Well, yes. Picking a lock or breaking a window to gain entry is called “breaking and entering”. Walking away with the occupant’s private collection of vintage gaming console controllers is called “pwning”. Or something.

You and I are in agreement, Internet Stranger.

Please tell me how this mastermind cybercriminal was captured?

Finally, someone who gets it.

Really? How about with what I do for a living? Is that how it is in real life? Go get your shine box, son.

Well, no. I disagree with that statement, especially the word “sophisticated”.

Wrong; he didn’t break and enter your car because he had your keys. He then stole it, because you’re an idiot.

Oh, yes, I blame him for trying. What he did was both illegal and unethical. My point was that to call it “hacking” gives it a certain level of mystique, when it took no brains at all to do what he did.

Would you care to draw the line of equivalency from my OP to whatever you are trying to say?

Sad, but true.

Never said he obeyed the law. Nice try, though. And your cookies taste like shit.

A better analogy is that it doesn’t count as breaking and entering because he forgot to lock the door. Still trespassing; still wrong.

Not sure where you gleaned that I approved of Correa’s behavior, or somehow felt it wasn’t serious. What he did necessitated zero skill. He didn’t hack; he is not a hacker.

That’s not hacking. That’s logging in using a password.

Aaaaand Bloom! Goes the dynamite.

His AA sponsor told him he should drink Canada Dry. Now he wants to play in the CFL.