
Ah, I give them a pass on that. Their entire job is to chuckle at stupid shit their co-workers say.

...or maybe he’s just trolling. #justathought

That image shows me a lackadaisical striker, a defender bearing down, and a keeper about to make himself BIG. And you’re telling me what happens?!

You forgot:

we know exactly where every single rib is and which rib goes where

No, no. It’s still his head, it’s just that... well... I can never reach. How about you?

Okay, but what’s it like to drive a Zamboni... on weed?

Only an asshole does that.


Eh, what are you going to do on Tuesday anyway?

You just described a typical Saturday for me during a five-year stretch in the late ‘90s.

My birthday is the best because it happens to fall right on my birthday.

u sad bro?

Who said he bought anything?

Yeah, but that’s a tranny.

You’re melting my monitor with that take, bro.

Giants fan here. Panthers are going to eat them up one at a time, shit them out, feed them to the next guy, then eat THAT guy up and shit him out. This “ruining perfect seasons” thing is not a thing. Yeah, we did it twice in the last... 17 years? (da fuk that got to do with this week?)... great for us, but the

I posit that the best part is that you’re blogging about it.

Abby Wambach hates immigrants.

That gives me an idea... Maybe I’ll boycott my year-end performance appraisal.