Mister Braddock

There isn't mention of Hope Solo in this article because I'm pretty sure she doesn't play in the NFL, or Komen as I assume Teti is focusing his criticism on the NFL treatment of breast cancer awareness, and not rallying against breast cancer awareness in general.

For sure. But it isn't just the NFL, I find it irritating that any company just slaps pink on without adding anything to the discussion or awareness other than "Pink!" It's like Teti says, it just seems like hey, we need some of that female money, and what better way than to slap pink all over shit and tell them we

I guess he just means there's more to actual women than their like of the colour pink. That it's lazy of the NFL (and others) to just slap pink on the same old shit and say "hey! Ladies will like it now! Sure it's the same, but it's PINK". It seems insulting to women, like my girlfriend doesn't enjoy my basketball

Then why bother listing Homeland? It honestly doesn't bother me that much, but as you can see in other comments, it led some of us to think maybe it wasn't even on and left us a little confused, I personally had to look it up elsewhere to confirm it was on.

The first of Boardwalk Empires' final 4 episodes is on tonight too. No big deal I guess, didn't really need a mention or a sentence or anything. But hey, Mulaney is on! Everything I've seen tells me it's a winner!

Exactly. Television has become so good because more and more creative control is going to the artists, just look at Soderbergh doing some of his best work yet on The Knick right now and having a blast doing so. I often wonder of the alternate universe where Lynch and Frost could do whatever they wanted from the start,

After so long it could be a bad idea, but they sound like they have always had more story, and if they get complete control creatively there's no way it could be as bad as that stretch of season 2. So it really is worth getting excited about if they would actually do it.

Even as a kid, my mother played this VHS to no end, but I was like nahhhh fuck that noise and just watched my Disney one where Robin Hood is a fox because it kicked the shit out of this movie.

As a big fan of You're the Worst this is great news! Thanks FX. Still doesn't make up for Terriers…but will anything?

"Sorry to disappoint you. Hold for Mr. Capone."

Thanks For The Nightmares, Internet!

Is the photo at the top from a new prequel miniseries about those nice FBI agents from Fargo?

In a tiny arc at the end of a plot packed season, they made us care about that cold blooded killer so much I still hate seeing him go down! I feel things like this are what elevates POI in its character development for a show of this type.

The number case was very CBS but well cast, but everything around it was fun POI and made me so glad to be back with the gang. Seeing Sameen work and be visited by Root, Fusco with Reese so he now has his bewildered face on permanently, and the return of Elias was all so great. B+ is right on.

Fuck yes fucking Person of Interest. When I first saw the pilot no way did I think I'd be saying that years later, but here we are. So excited.

I started out liking it right away but not sure where it could go or how long it could last. Over the course of ten episodes it really matured into its own thing with such confidence and hilarity, I would be crushed at this point if it didn't get renewed. It's funny that the premise is two people who reject

If anyone is still looking, I'm four episodes in and agree with the chorus of people who demand some reviews of season 8!

This was truly hilarious and stomach turning. Thank you!

What the hell? I didn't read that article, but when I saw it, this was the first show to pop into my mind.

I jumped off this boat two seasons ago and thought of trying again for the final lap, but seeing all of the hilarious and well argued critiques here about it's continuing stupidity have changed my mind. Thanks guys! It really sounds unpleasant.