Mister Braddock

It's fucked up, but that has essentially replaced the actual phrase in my vocabulary. I always just say worst case Ontario. Or I got two birds stoned at the same time. Season 2 and 3 are still my favourites. It's nice to see the show get love outside Canada, and I always hope people don't think we're a bunch of

Let's go to the mall!

It may not be nuanced, but yes it is, in fact, a meditation on death. You don't like it, move on. Keep goin to bat for Alan Ball, the king of nuance and subtlety.

Fuck you, you presumptuous prick.

There can be more than one.

It's too bad, I thoroughly enjoyed the last episode but watched it late and by the time I went for some good ol discussion, I saw….that disaster.

Want. Need. Must. Have.

Oddly I'm rewatching many of the episodes now and I'm finding that while it does seem to be scattered often it's in fact been much tighter. Less characters and subplots than last season and a stronger emphasis on Masters and Virginia as characters and their bizarre attraction to each other.

Late to the party this week, but wanted to stop by for some final thoughts on the season. I was very sad to see it was only eight this year and I hope they can get a dozen or at least ten for next season.

Just watched this for the first time after the news of his passing. He's wonderful in this but it's a tougher watch now with its suicide talk, still a hilarious and heart breaking film.

I have to admit, this is the first time I felt a little bad for how much I laughed at an idea. Andy seemed really desperate, so I was really conflicted on how to feel there I mean it was still hilarious but…he's begging these people for their kid!

You can't trust Armen, with all those secrets.

"Superman does good- you're doing well."

He is really excellent and did the soundtrack for Spring Breakers, Drive, Only God Forgives, Contagion and many more. I think he is a really consistently great composer and knowing he did this was another draw for me.

Not too laugh out loud funny, but it did bring a smile to my face and wasn't as horribly lazy as most of these have been lately. Also it isn't edgy renderings of beloved Disney/Nickelodeon characters, and has Christina Hendricks, soooo mostly a win.

My favourite part of the second instance of Nathan picking up the dog isn't that it barks again, it's Nathan's delivery of "Jesus Christ", just annoyed with the dogs shitiness toward him.

Excellent review, and nice work calling back to his "22" days (as a Torontonian, I appreciate that). You really nailed everything that made this episode great and subversive and I couldn't describe it better myself. I came in thinking of things to comment on but you really got everything so I'll just say this was yet

It aired. You're dumb.

I comment on this show every week, it's my favourite thing on tv, and this week I just can't even come up with words. This was a brilliant episode of comedy, a great social experiment, and within the episode, a great narrative about a man who started off trying to help someone, and was consumed with himself and his

Martin can give all the excuses he wants, it's just too hard not to view the timeline as you've described it here. He didn't have an end plan, he's constantly letting himself get distracted now, and comes up with angry excuses to keep us from the fact his imagination well has run dry.