It's almost annoying when the show gives you an exciting and well crafted opening scene that shows how True Blood could have been this insane horror action hybrid, then serve up Lettie Mae hallucinations. I'm still in for the long haul though.
It's almost annoying when the show gives you an exciting and well crafted opening scene that shows how True Blood could have been this insane horror action hybrid, then serve up Lettie Mae hallucinations. I'm still in for the long haul though.
I have to agree this was a bit of a step down for Nathan, but only because he sets the bar so high. This was still a very damn funny half hour of tv and it was fun to go through three crazy ideas in one night. When that mattress dragon appeared, I nearly pissed myself.
I'm just going to be pissed if GRRM never confirms it either way in the books, or just makes it something else completely. Everything in the books points to this theory so hard, that for it to not be true at this point is more than a little insulting and would make entire chunks of the books these red herring shits.
Another reason I love the show and think it has depth. That guys quick story was so real and honest it kinda broke my damn heart for a moment. Then it cuts to furious house cleaning and you're laughing again. The people on the show just feel consistently authentic.
"And that's why I'm living in L.A training dogs…"
Who has the energy to "despise" a fictional television program, let alone that many? You must be so much fun to watch stuff with.
I guess it just comes down to how much any individual is willing to believe Vee. I trusted almost nothing she said to anyone and felt she was essentially always a fake. I mostly refer to her surprise when Red strangled her and Vee made comments about underestimating she would do that, just to compete over smuggling in…
In the end I just feel Vee had a plan to break Red, like she did years earlier, and to use her and her family as another smuggling route. Red never fingered her back for the first beating, so in her hubris Vee assumed she wouldn't here either, which she almost didn't. I felt Vee's big flaw was her air of…
Really I don't think a lot of what these ladies do makes long term sense. But anyway, I think she had to beat Red because Vee is has way too big an ego, and Red almost strangling her? No way that goes unpunished. And I still stand by her not killing her, because she made it fairly clear, she needs Reds son to continue…
Wow fucking disqus. Fuck.
The way I saw it…
True Blood always could have been a greater show if they cut Sookie and added more Yakuza for vampire corporate hire with swords. Instead, fairies…
I'm really glad you bring that up because I was starting to think I was crazy or something, did I just totally miss this scene? It's in like every ad for it and for the life of me I can't recall actually seeing it in an episode.
As horrible as it sounds, I was looking forward to the Mason Verger facelift all season, and how the show would depict it…..until the minute I fucking wasn't. Somehow the Fuller explanation of how it got on the air is still not enough. How the fuck was that on network??
I caught up with POI back in January, underwhelmed at first, but by season two and the wonderful episode "Relevance", which changed the show in ways network tv never really does, I was hooked. Watching every week has been special, this season has really become one of the best seasons of network tv I've ever seen.