Mister Braddock

This is actually pretty fucking hilarious.

Had the CD for 10 years now and thank you for reminding me I need to listen to it again!

I'm just stuck on this Best Sean thing. Like…what the fuck?

If anyone has not seen it, please, go find Something Wild. One of the best American films of the 80's and really underseen.

I would say as a mutant who can change his appearance there's a pretty solid chance he approached Rudy disguised as someone else. We have seen him do this several times now.

Really solid, substantial criticism of the film happening right here. I never looked at the film this way before, you're really changing my mind on it.

I can't remember the last time I gave less of a shit about something. I really can't.


And you are free to like whatever it is you like but objectively you are wrong as fuck here he doesn't sound like he struggling to breathe at all and his flow is legendary. His breath control is fantastic for a man of his weight like what are you even talking about here.

Counterpoint: you do not know shit about rap.

Well okay then!

I would give it 9/10 for chickening out on what would have been a devastating finale to make way for 2 seasons of sloppy half assed reasons to keep Damien Lewis around.

I hope the same for Dan Stevens.

And he's just so fucking nice too like seriously fuck this mans.

Those who don't? "Bitches leave"

Damn if only I had internet to make the quick 2 second search. Or knew what That 70's Show was.

Oh god….you actually watched The Ranch?

I hate the guy but he is 50 and still hangs off the side of a fucking plane for a movie. He is an action mega star and rightfully so, he works his ass off.

How do you not get that if the church covered this up they are 100 percent part of the story? Because that is what Remini is saying.

"Nothing to see here, guys"