
Watching that fight scene was weird because I have forever associated that plaza with John Wick and it got me thinking about how poorly the fight scenes were shot the entire time

I mean at least Mrs. Hudson was given a personality

I think the writers just hate Molly. I don't think there was any other character that went through as much shit as her maybe other than John, but she just gets shit over and over with no resolution or anything.

Psych. I loved that show right up until its last season, and then the quality dipped so much for me that I actually shouted at the TV "what the fuck, no" after the finale and never watched a single episode again

This was super heartbreaking for me, but I got really taken out of it for a moment when Dorothy said she was going to Jacksonville and all that popped into my head was Ash vs. Evil Dead

Joanna seems like she was planning to get Scott all along. I somehow doubt that she bought that Tyrell was the one sending her the gifts all season long.

Cisco is definitely dead. There's a video out there of slowed down footage from lats episode, and Cisco almost certainly gets one right to the face.

Even if it was super on the nose, the crossing signal countdown somehow just made the moment all the more tense

I imagine that Sam Esmail's knock knock jokes must suck

The thing is that this season doesn't give the "hope" that the previous two seasons gave. There is no redemptive arc here for BoJack, instead just him burning bridge after bridge in his life to the point where he may have killed the last person who truly cared or understood him. This isn't the "trapped" cycle, but the

One of the first thoughts I had when I finished this was "there's no way Charlotte doesn't come back and try to absolutely destroy BoJack. After seeing Penny like that, there's no way that doesn't come back to haunt BoJack even harder than it aready did"

There are a lot of PC issues that I had to spend 10 or so minutes searching how to fix it, but once I had it all patched up it ran really smoothly. If you're buying on PC, you may want to hold off until they patch it up a little.

The quicktime events here work a bit differently. The way combat works here is that commands will flash onscreen and if you get them, a meter will fill up in the bottom corner. If the meter is filled, it lets you basically end the sequence/fight earlier than if you just let it run. You don't actually have to hit every

"Ask" "Me" "Anything"

The group of people I do weekly watch sessions with keep referring to Ray as Doug Judy and it makes it really hard to take Craig Robinson's scenes seriously

I'm not sure if it was the fact that we were on the verge of falling asleep, but my friend and I lost it at the "ding" and the sparkle that went along with him cleaning the dishes.

I love how John's death basically mirrors how he was supposed to die in China - by a missile after destroying a computer system/software thing. Except this time he's in control, and it basically shows how his character's finally found a purpose in his life that he's in control of instead of blindly following some


Those are supposed to be anime alpacas.

I despise Big Hero 6. Don't get me wrong, the animation is gorgeous and I can tolerate that movie with the sound off, but the messaging gets so muddled and all the characters are basically stereotypes with no growth.