
Don't forget the part where he gets into a scuffle with Jian Yang

And later on there are only 4 people in the next meeting.

Apparently he does a really convincing Sam Rockwell.

he's basically the one that looks really happy to be there as lesser tom hardy

Jai Courtney is just glad to not be playing indistinguishable white male #3 in this movie.

It's the things that come out of his mouth that make him pretty unlikable

I just say anything post-mission 31 just is kind of…. there. Like, I could at least sort of follow the plot before the big boss fight, but after that I just kind of stopped playing.

The problem with MGSV is that its second act is a total mess.

Supergirl was pretty bad before this, but wow…. this blew me away. Probably one of the best episodes of comic book television I've watched this year.

I also think that Cat's sudden humanization is just lazy storytelling. Sure, she's more sympathetic now, but that just kinda came out of left field and the writers just said "suck it up" and hi-fived.

I feel bad saying that I laughed my head off that entire scene just because of how wildly out of place that song was