
So.... Wolverine is teaming up with William S. Burroughs now.... this is gonna get REALLY weird....

Considering that DC’s animated movies are so much better than their live action ones, I’m totally OK with this...

In a way the “cliffhanger” didn’t surprise me, let’s face it, TWD has been pulling this kind of “wait and see” crap since the beggining, (...starting with “What did the CDC guy whisper in Rick’s ear?”...) But this is especially annoying just coming off the “Is Glenn dead?” thing...

Moon Knight most definitely..... I don’t know if Marvel currently has the rights, but, I think a re-boot of Blade on Netflix would be pretty awesome...

yeah...when they decided to kill Negan’s people I was kinda like so Rick and his group are pretty much mercenaries now...

This doesn’t surprise me, Zack Snyder’s movies are like sitting through a 3 hour long Nu-Metal song...

Also, what happened to The Punisher’s dog? Seriously, the Irish gangsters took him away and that was it...never saw him again...

This list is awesome, I’ve seen pretty much all of these...BUT... I can’t believe you put the Lost Boys on there and left out the far superior Near Dark...

Except for the fact that Rorschach is a racist, misogynistic, sociopath who probably would’ve completely agreed with what the Government in V For Vendetta was doing, also, I doubt Rorschach is as well read as V was....

I think you’re right, and I’m pretty sure that was from J. Michael Straczynski’s “Rising Stars”.

that exchange just made my day.
also, “Just Ftagn Around” should be a t-shirt...

Agreed, it doesn’t really stand the test of time for me, but, I’ve never liked Garth Ennis as much as others seem to.... I didn’t even really care that much for his run on Hellblazer, to be honest... (Is it me or does it seem like Mr. Ennis kinda copies Tarrantino’s style a bit, with the “witty” dialog and constant

Or better yet, terraform Mars and let civilian Kryptonians live there, conquer Earth and use it to raise an army of “Supermen”... that seems like the better choice for a military man like Zod.

Or, they could be superheros, but, Earth-2 Barry only knows their non-hero identity...