
I never met Don but the closest I got to him was seeing Animatronic Mr Potato Head at Disney World on the Toy Story Midway ride. He did a trick where he pulled out his ear but he dropped it. I shouted "Hey Potato Head you're missing an ear!" He replied "I heard that you hockey puck!" Lol He will be missed dearly.

I just want her to land a gig somewhere on a popular internet streaming series that no one uses like Hulu so she can shut up about her problem that happened over 20 years ago. Get over it lady you look foolish.

This season and the comment section here has been superb. Definitely enjoyed this season!

I hope Ru isn't keeping Darienne to fill the "Finally a big gurl in the top 3' void.

That elimination was tough to watch. Not a huge Ben fan but she was robbed. End of Story

Well the challenges are based on RuPaul's life experiences working to become Americas Top Drag Performer. The only time I can remember Ru being in an awkward position, like these contestants were in, was the Milton Berle incident. That went south just as fast as these interviews did.

I dismiss anyone's feelings when it comes to words. Why? Because a lot of people (not all, but many) are going to categorize, stereotype and "call you out of your name" until the day you die. There's nothing you can do about that. All you can do is be responsible for your own feelings. That's why I think it's

They were truly thrown a curve ball in that situation and it was really uncomfortable to watch. It seemed like everyone went into the interview thinking "How can this not be fun? It's Cher's MOM!" and got a RUDE awakening 20 seconds into conversation.

From what I got out of the conversation Laganja had with Michelle, they had one week to get the outfits together to fit the theme of each challenge

They do it on most of my favorite shows.

It's funny. I laughed. It's still so funny in fact people use it as a ringtone. I'm not sorry, not apologizing. In addition, I laughed at the she-male female segment. I laugh when Fashion Police does starlet or streetwalker. I laughed when Sharon did blackface as RuPaul. I STILL laugh at the singing crows in Dumbo.

I don't care if they were related to the original cast and crew of Dreamgirls, they were boring and seemed like they didn't want to be there.

Yeah they do. All of the previous contestants in the Michelle Visage interview show what they had ready for the other challenges.

As long as it's funny it shouldn't matter. This country is turning into a PC, lets all hold hands and not offend anyone mess and it's ridiculous.

I've never really been exposed to Georgia's personality. However, Chaz has always come off as an a hole to me. Even in his documentary. I don't know if it was the hormones or whatever but he always seems like a privileged jerk.

In times like these I'm reminded of a quote from The Divine Miss M

I'm guessing you're on the same side as loud mouth & big tits

Their lip sync is a contender for my all time favorite. However, this episode was dry. I look at this B+ as a generous donation to the LGBT community, trust me.

This whole situation takes me back Muhammad vs South Park Episode 201 minus the bomb and death threats.

I'm on the fence with this one.