I was more offended by their buzz killing mood than any of Joslyn's comments
I was more offended by their buzz killing mood than any of Joslyn's comments
I imagine the peep talk they had with each other backstage that untouched didn't show *Alright now, we're doin Paula's song and that bitch is HEREā¦Let's show off!*
Imagine if the final 3 that season would have been Sharon, Chad AND Latrice. No other top three (on any season) would ever have been able to live up to them.
As far as the actual challenge, all three where on the same level to the point where I really couldn't decide who did worse. Once they got on the runway it should have been Joslin and Adore. Then again calling Chaz "Chad" is a no no. Trinity's nerves must have been SHOT.
If there was ever a time where both queens should have stayed it was last night. Adore & Trinity's lip sync gave me flashbacks to Raja & Carmen's. They were awesome!
Georgia and Chaz were extremely bland last night during the interviews. I remember season one with Tori & Dean being a lot more interesting and helpful to the girls.
I think we all got so caught up in sheer bliss of weed getting the boot that we forgot how amazing those three looked.
I'm in pieces! LMFAO!
I don't know?!?!?! But I'm going to give it a chance. It'll give me something to talk about on here.
Anyone know any good prices on a 46 inch Samsung?
For me I can tolerate someone being crazy if they are being their authentic self. Phi Phi may be queen of all bitches, but it's 100% Phi Phi. I can deal with that.
If that bitch starts crying at the reunion im throwing tomatoes at the tv screen!
It should have been, but Laganjas version of Alyssa is just so terrible it threw me off to even think about comparing the two.
Once Alyssa came on screen and Laganja started to repeat and emulate her it finally clicked. Laganja has been trying (and failing) to act just like Alyssa. That's where she gets that persona from.
Since she wants to be so "hood" "COME ON BITCH! CARRY YO ASS HOME!"
With the boondocks coming back for its final season on adult swim soon, once Laganja was eliminated, all I could say out loud was PRAISE WHITE JESUS!
When Ru told Laganja "This ain't no f**king night club!" I laughed for a good 3 minutes. You can tell Ru was annoyed because she rarely curses at the judges table.
At this point Adore and Trinity might as well change their last name to Del Rio. Bianca is MOTHA
Don't forget we're all suppose to hold her got damn hand.
Adore breaking the forth wall, staring straight into the camera is easily one of the best moments in drag race herstory. I was praying for that clip again last night.