An intolerance like an allergy, or like my nephew has an intolerance for baths?
An intolerance like an allergy, or like my nephew has an intolerance for baths?
Taylor’s gonna move back to Nashville now, start wearing old-timey dresses, and make a record direct to 16-track analog tape with either Dan Auerbach or Jack White producing. JUST YOU WATCH.
A good cat eye often takes prayer.
Real talk: infant clothing is incredibly rewarding to make as a knitter. Works up quickly, finished product is hella cute, and even if you use top dollar yarn, usually not that expensive. And then, when you gift it away, you are the boss of that baby shower.
Well my fav couple remains chocolate and peanut butter, but no one follows my Instagram to hear my hot take on them, so whatever.
Not the first time some old dude got overly excited about a teenage girl’s jugs.
oh, so this is fine, but my american psycho themed wedding isn’t?
Say Yes to Distress
Dear Bride,
My eyes just rolled so hard they fell out of my head and now I am blind.
This is a first world problem if I’ve ever seen one.
I tried to teach my six year old how to make biscuits yesterday. Girl is not ready for a pastry blender. That shit was overworked.
I think she’s saying that so far she has chosen not to have a pregnancy and PP has helped her achieve that. She might have even meant they helped her succeed in that goal? The word successful is kinda confusing in there, but I don’t think she means kids=no success.
No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.
It was her quinceañera.