
Why not, nobody is playing football there. *

Doctors don’t prescribe cigarettes. Nobody is getting hooked on cigarettes because that carton of Marlboro Reds they were sent home with following surgery was just too good to stop using.

There was an old saying about the Braves and their pitching staff whenever the playoffs rolled around in the 90's.

The Braves had one of the best rotations in baseball for a long time.  They won 14 consecutive division titles and only had one World Series win to show for it.  Some teams just struggle to get it done in the postseason.  The Dodgers are going to go down as another one of those teams.

And honestly, putting Limbaugh or Hannity in the same league as W is stretching it a bit, don’t you think? Even in the same league as McConnell is still a bit much.

Why should the LGBTQ+ community (of which I am also not a member) have to be polite to someone who used their political power to make them second-class citizens? Why are they under any obligation to not appear as “Godless sinners and heathens”? (And what’s wrong with that anyway? Lots of people don’t believe in God.)

I like that you a) acknowledge that half the population hates anyone who’s different from them and wants them to suffer and b) don’t see that as a problem!!! Go post on Breitbart, you’ll find tons of people agreeing with you 

Again, systematically stripping people of their rights is not a “disagreement”, you tired apologist.

I like how you ignored the second part of my comment. For many Americans, we’re already well on our way to living in an authoritative regime, if not already there.

My idea to “fix the divide” is to hound every single Republican out of office and never let any of them hold an ounce of power over another human being again

Project much?

Yep, once you leave office all the many many people you got killed by using a national tragedy to start a war with a country that didn't attack us stops mattering. 

What should Ellen have done? Answer that.

This dichotomy you’ve created between chummy friendliness on the one hand and “hate” on the other as being the only choices is simply wrong, if not disingenuous.

Perhaps I was being too oblique. I was criticizing you for engaging in the well-worn path of “enlightened centrism” where one pretends that all things are fungible under the sun, and anyone who treats unlike things differently is being unreasonable and just as wrong as the bad thing they’re critical of.

But to chastise her for being polite and civil to a former POTUS makes you as bad as those who aren’t polite or civil to Obama.

Man, you have your finger on the pulse of the modern left.  We are constantly looking to James Carville for guidance in these troubling times, so anything that lessened his stature would be pretty devastating.  

One of the few unifying things between the right and the left is that neither give a fuck about James Carville in 2019. 

To be fair, if you’re playing the White Sox, Royals, and Tigers 19 times a year, you should win 101 games easily.

Ah, I see this is your first time on the internet, welcome!