
The least educated, least healthy, least populous shitholes of the country think they can win a civil war. Bring it. And this time we should finish the job.

Yep. I’m a “librul” but I’ve also spent most of my life shooting and hunting and have a safe full of guns and a garage full of ammo.

Actually, we know how it shakes out. Some jamokes with guns who have Ideas but no idea what they actually want will march into some government building because it’s a Symbol and they will turn it into a Walmart bathroom and we’ll all mail them dildos until they give up and go home.

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...

Yes. Oakland, Florida to be precise. 

All of that coming from such an obvious candy-ass.

Is an ‘office griddle’ like a Midwestern thing? This doesn’t seem normal. Do you guys also make casseroles at the office for lunch?

Technically it wouldn’t be “soldiers” removing him from the premisses, but the Secret Service. The difference being one is a military organization and the other is a law enforcement organization. (Curiously, the Secret Service used to be a part of the Treasury Department but today is a section in Homeland Security.)

It’s not so much him I’m worried about but the senate and SCOTUS who will bend over backwards to invalidate the election results if they don’t go their way.

I know a lot of folks are worried about that, but I just can’t see it. Above all he’s an extreme physical coward, and despite his popularity with authoritarians, there are still many very burly people in the armed forces who will be both tasked with the lawful removal and willing to carry it out.

I hate the fucking Cardinals, trying to win a division they aren’t even in. 

Gladwell has made an absolute killing by writing “Maybe just trust your gut” to boomers who just wanted confirmation bias that everything they think is right anyway.

Also, you don’t need a PhD to understand child rape/molestation. Paterno was a force and an institution at Penn State. He didn’t do that by being a kindly

Simmons: Right.

In Gladwell’s defense, the Penn State coaching staff and administration probably spent more than 10,000 hours raping children and ignoring it, so he’d have to reject the entire premise of one of his own books if he didn’t recognize their expertise in the field.

Glad to see you made a profile, Milo. 

I don’t care about being right. Just having a laugh. Another instance of ridiculously backward late-stage capitalism/loss leader bullshit blows up in public after being on fire for the last six months, and I’m not even supposed to giggle? Come on.

if they’re looking for candidates, i know a guy who has a baseball background as a player and a business background as an exec for a video game company. he’s also got a real handle on social media and can probably procure state funding like a badass.

All that upper body work doesn’t mean much in the real world, does it big guy?

The Raiders got Cold Feet fast

You are right. I watched all five episodes this year. It’s called Hard Knocks.