
His dumb ass may very well believe this, but so what? So we’ll just watch him be dragged out of the White House kicking his widdle arms and legs and shitting/pissing himself, and any red behatted choad who wants to “get violent” can take his best shot and face the consequences.

The idea of someone being asked to go to this movie, quickly bringing up a new tab and calling up this Jezebel article, and then mutely and smugly pointing at the screen, is pretty goddamn hilarious. Just think if you hadn’t read it and were then left powerless to express your lack of desire? Why, you’d have been in

“where a computer can notify crimes without having to report them or where all citizens can be tracked.”... To keep Neom safe, cameras, drones and facial-recognition technology will let Saudi intelligence services track everyone. “Everything can be recorded,” the founding board declared.

All good points—so it must be something *else* they fully agree upon...

My wife

..sez the crass, classless dick “from a hospital bed.” Nurse, this one’s ready for his diaper change.

You may be on to something—let’s call the whole sport off because we simply can’t manage the tautology of it all.

How about this: Best teams from each league, based on record, then move on to play each other in a best-of-163 series. It’s the only way to be fair.

I’m sure Mayor Streisand fully understands the forces she’s unleashed upon herself.

Keep on proudly sporting that NY Mets “Actually...” 2016 World Series Champions cap, lil’ man.

Yes, hince.

Hi Bill Plaschke—you realize the only way that narrative you’re so sick of changes is if the Cubs win, right? Of course you do, because you’re a thinking person.

Exactly. I think the thing that bothers me the most is that this is clearly just paid advertising content dressed up as actual articles, and the clickbaity hyperbolic descriptions just irk me. If I believed that Cheryl just honestly thought these trailers and scenes were truly terrifying, fair enough and I’d

Not sure how this clip would convince anyone that this film is anything other than a boring slog.

You’ve spent “half your life” “putting a lot of thought” into GoT theories? Yes, this must all be so unspeakably difficult for you. Just look at this as an opportunity to waste the other half on something even more useful.

Glad to see them doing .500 the right way.