But there is a logic to it. Plenty of civilians have died in the past needlessly because of her terrible ability to rule without advise. This is someone who’s had people crucified and burnt alive for tenuous reasons that she considered “justice”.
But there is a logic to it. Plenty of civilians have died in the past needlessly because of her terrible ability to rule without advise. This is someone who’s had people crucified and burnt alive for tenuous reasons that she considered “justice”.
you miss the whole point of the conversation she had with Jon. In Westeros, you rule by one of two things, either they love you, or they fear you. They don’t love her, so she had to choose fear. Jesus, this show is not a Disney tale, this is how rulers get to rule.
Um, sorry, but what? “Sudden turn”? The only reason it seems sudden is because D&D decided to rush these past two seasons but they have been building to this for a very long time. She was initially talked down from burning the Red Keep, before assisting everyone in the North. She’s progressively lost everything dear…
How about a debilitating stroke where he is aware of his surroundings yet unable to move and in constant, excruciating pain? That would be better.
But they’re all independent contractors. Surely the WWE can’t exercise this much control over where they go and the amount of work they do. /eye-roll emoji
I am unable to distinguish between the fart sound and every other sound that has ever come out of his mouth.
As soon as he scored, I was like, hey bro that was the second time. He did that in opening day. He did the same thing, said a bad word. He don’t even play a ... playoff game. He don’t know about getting excited or not. He gotta be in playoffs to be excited, like us. We got a World Series. To get excited like that.…
To be fair, if there is ever a tornado bearing down on Michael Wilbon, I also hope that no one tells him.
I seriously can’t wait for that evil fuck, Stephen Miller, to have a Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-face-melting-body-exploding scene.
Poor tackle that causes a minor concussion? “Fuck the NFL!!!”
*mortal kombat voice*
I avoid using the word hate lightly. But I hate this man. Destroying people’s lives, over things he clearly does not even believe in himself, just for money. Fuck that fucker and I hope he ends up bankrupt and living out of a box.
Respect for whom?
Nope, this is EXACTLY the time for this. There is no national conversation about this kind of thing. In New Zealand, it took all of 24 hours for things to change. In the US, guns are as revered as the Bible. Until that changes, you all are screwed and the rights of guns matter more than the health - physical or mental…
This happens more than you'd think. More so among National League owners who refuse to employ designated hitters.
As much as I appreciate getting the names right, the joke loses everything when you order them like that.
I imagine splitting tens at the “poker table” would indeed cause quite a stir. You sound like quite the sharp.
I can only assume your vast misunderstanding of the difference between blackjack and poker was completely intentional.
Trump added $4 billion to his assets with the previously unused and extremely nebulous line item “Brand Value.”
Consider us ex-friends! No wait, you don’t have any of those. And you can’t seem to shut up about it.