
I wasn’t addressing the issue of whether social media is “carte blanche grounds for firing.” I’m simply saying that public-facing social media is not your “private life.” Your private life is what you keep private. The things that you choose to do publicly, on purpose, in public-facing media, are not private. They are

What you post on public-facing social media is not your private life. It is your public life. On purpose. Because you’re choosing, voluntarily, to make it public.

He reportedly told his mother that if she had a problem, she could meet him in Temecula 

To save others the abject annoyance I was subjected to in reading that article...

Seriously, is every member of the office working on a take here?  Burneko?  Drew?  Barry? Samer?  That one soccer guy?  I’m waiting.

We live inside a dream

Swimmer caught in the act of raping girl - What if he was YOUR kid?

Supreme Court Justice nominee accused, credibly, of raping a woman and defends himself, harming his credibility in the process - What if he was YOUR kid?

Kid harasses indigenous man, while his friends do the same, smiling gleefully and not looking

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

And the fans of both are entitled assholes who play the victim even when they win! What a time to be alive!

Great comment. Just another big fucking turd on the t Rex dungpile we’ve already got to endure.

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.

Talk about dedication to his players, he went out and got CTE to show his solidarity

announced in early November, then unannounced two days later, and finally un-unannounced after that

In the off-chance that you’re still confused, the correct answer was “lower.”

You mean like all of them?

Her voting record reads like someone who’s more interested in keeping her job than standing up for anything.

Because this guy is the stereotypical GOP dude that goes around bashing gays and promoting “family values” and he’s gayer than Liberace.

It’s not the government’s job to make sure you can afford to profit or break even on owning a supercar. It’s not your last bit of food for the week or your only mode of transport to your job that you need; it’s a cool but superfluous toy nobody needs. If taxes mean you can’t get one immediately, tough shit. Slum it

Actually dipshit, you don’t know that since you’ve never seen his tax return. Oh wait! Let’s just assume he’s telling the truth, since he has a history of not lying! Oh wait! There’s this!

While I’m not a huge fan of watching people get hit in the nuts myself, I’m also not a fan of when people state that they’ve never seen any part of a show, but then assert that anyone who liked it is a bad person. The people who liked watching the show didn’t like watching people get hurt, they liked watching people