Megan Kelly on The Today Show, which my grandfather, who fought in WWII, used to watch, makes me want to barf.
Megan Kelly on The Today Show, which my grandfather, who fought in WWII, used to watch, makes me want to barf.
They’re America’s team more than ever, a disappointing franchise run by an aging dipshit and employing a lot of crooks.
Fuck Jerry Jones. Fuck Donald Trump. And fuck the Cowboys. You ain’t America’s team anymore. That honor belongs to the Jacksonville Jaguars.
“don’t be the victim of a crime” is what you are saying.
The Quicker Fucker Upper
Which can be countered with: “That Constitution you claim to uphold? Yeah, you can’t really pick and choose which parts of it you respect. This really is one of those “all or nothing” deals and if you fire me for exercising my 1st amendment rights, I’m going to sue your ass.” That’s the American way. And I hope to…
Someone else said it much better than I.
The only counterpoint worth saying, then, is simple and vulgar: Richard Petty, go fuck yourself.
Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.
I’m not an io9 writer. This isn’t io9.
The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
Those predictions were coming from people who have not watched Floyd Mayweather fight, I guess. The knowledgeable predictions I read and heard were that if Floyd wanted to, he could knock Conor out early, but that, being Floyd Mayweather, he would string McGregor along until they’d both outlasted all the actual risk…
You read bad predictions by people who don’t know boxing, I guess. Most knowledgeable analysts said rounds 8-10.
hell yeah......that’s why i watch sportscenter......standings...i fuckin love to wait 20 minutes to see a static image of something i can also find by googling “baswba;; standibgs” while on the treadmill without breaking stride
Holy fuck, you have said some dumbass shit, but this is the most dumbass shit of all. Opinions are wrong all the fucking time. Nothing you tried to add to this “conversation” is of any value, and you deserve all the ridicule you’ve been getting on this topic. That doesn’t mean I think you are unintelligent, because…
Jesus fuck me, you’re straight retarded son!
You seem to be a dipshit.
I think your logic train is missing a few tracks.
This is the point. They’d rather be independent and out 16 mil than sell out to do what the NFL wants for the cash. They are being highly ethical.