
Pretty sure your hard on for Brady is slightly more engorged than Ley’s.

You know there’s porn on the internet, right?

I hope our brave FIRST RESPONDER (ret.) was not injured while bravely defending our freedom!

Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.

Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a

In the last week or so, we’ve seen stories crediting “HanAssholeSolo”, “KatyPerrysBootyHole”, and “wetbutt23". You can call that journalism if you like, but to me, t’aint journalism.

Not many people know this but KatyPerrysBootyHole is actually Tim Kurkjian

They told him to land on Runway 28A, but the pilot thought they told him to land on “28, eh.”

Fuck this guy.

And fuck this dumbass, Guy-Fieri-recipe fight.

Yeah I’m actually amazed that the Cubs were able to win the World Series after having the best record last year. I felt as a Cubs fan it would take 2-3 more attempts to finally get it done (if the team stayed great instead of whatever the fuck they are now). The playoffs are such an unbelievable crapshoot.

There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.

It actually does ease congestion and studies have proven that. I agree that many motorcyclists are inconsiderate and this is unfortunate. I used to live in Europe and most of them there who lane split (which is like all of them) were very considerate as was I.

Lane splitting is legal in Cali just fyi

Yeah because God forbid someone whowas previously behind you gets to their destination faster than you. Lane splitting eases congestion on the highway, you should be thanking motorcyclists for doing this. Of course this guy is an asshat, but not because he was splitting.

If only she had been warned of his poor decision-making beforehand

“Sorry for thinking about my dead father[’s profound disappointment in my chosen profession] all day and wanting a souvenir from the Father’s Day game [as some small symbol to prove to his ghost that I’m not an overgrown manbaby].”

He was 100% sure of what he was saying. He knows exactly what the investigations were. he just wanted to keep repeating falsehoods, phrased as questions to try confuse people, and make a non relevant point

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

They’re not weird. They’re wierd. Which is even weirder.

He sounds more like a Title XXX official if you ask me