I know. :( And I’m sorry. But no babies plus over ten years of pregnancy protection. Pretty fucking great.
I know. :( And I’m sorry. But no babies plus over ten years of pregnancy protection. Pretty fucking great.
My college and post college boyfriend was super besties with a girl he worked with at his first post graduation job. I'm not the jealous type but she sketched me out. He acted like I was a crazy jealous psycho. He breaks up with me. I'm sad for a week before realizing we were in way different places (him starting…
I said I would want a Halloween wedding and the next one wasn’t until 2015 (this was in 2010).
Late to the game, but this story is gold.
Not that I know of, but when my ex eventually got married and the pictures inevitably crossed my Facebook feed due to mutual friends, a cold shiver went down my spine and I thought “dodged the biggest bullet there.”
He was an abusive drunk, and I had to ghost him and a lot of our mutual friends after the breakup…
Holy shit the same thing happened to me. My ex’s new gf friended me and asked me to lunch. I didn’t commit to anything but responded nicely. Then when I got married (three weeks after they did), she unfriended me.
When my husband and I met, it was instant chemistry. He was dating somebody else at the time, so he called things off with her. They had been seeing each other for a month, but when he called things off she told him she loved him, and he felt horrible. For a while, she called him non-stop, which was really awkward. We…
My ex had just broken up with his girlfriend when I told him I was getting remarried. A week later, they were back together, engaged, and with a wedding date set about 5 months before ours. I think that counts.
I’m still friends with some of my exes because we didn’t end on bad terms and I’m rarely on it to really care. One of my exes texts me a week before the wedding telling me about a dream he had of me and how he missed hanging out just the two of us. I replied with short answers, but he just kept going and talking about…
I freaked a little when my ex got engaged and married just a couple months after asking me and getting turned down. Sometimes for men, it’s just TIME.
This is precisely what I worry about with my daughter’s father. We haven’t been together since my daughter was less than a year old, but we get along okay, so long as I am single. He has had multiple girlfriends, all of which I am supposed to accept as a part of our daughter’s life (some were okay, one was a thirsty…
I was a little sad when my high school sweetheart got married, but I controlled myself. His wife friended me on facebook a few weeks later; since I’ve never met her and have no connection to her other than him, I assume it was to rub it in my face. Years later when I got married she unfriended me.
No, but I was very anxious about my ex’s current girlfriend somehow trying to sabotage my (recent-ish) wedding. She has always hated me and still internet stalks me (she accidentally followed me on instagram not too long ago, so I knew she was lurking; I have proof of her creeping on other social media as well but…
My husbands ex wife came un hinged. Please keep in mind that they had been divorced for about 10 years at this point. He and I had been together for about 7 years when we finally got engaged and decided to make it official. She started emailing him confessing her “true feelings” and that she knows that they can work…
I am not engaged or married, but my ex did drunk text me to let me know that he called off his wedding one month before the blessed event was to occur. We then met up after the text convo (we maintained a mutual affection for each other and friendship of sorts) after which he tried to get me to go home with him. The…
My ex had an award-worthy meltdown when I went on my FIRST DATE after we broke up.
I have to admit, there’s a couple exes who I might think of once I’m engaged, just hoping that they see on facebook or something and feel jealous or sorry that they lost me. I had some really bad breakups with those assholes that really destroyed me, and I feel like this is the least bit of karma they deserve.
My ex didn’t freak out but my mom did. Things along the lines of “why is he paying for the cow sine he’s been getting the milk for free” were said. That’s why I no longer speak to her and am completely stalled on the wedding planning because so many well meaning people assume that my mom and I must be bonding over all…
One of my exes, upon hearing of my engagement, confronted me at work and outcried a tantruming baby because I was his first everything and he thought that meant I was his forever. He then tried to pry the ring off my finger and as security took him away, he kept saying I would regret it.
I didn’t wind up marrying the…