Missy Pants

I'm more upset at the thought of her makeup rubbing onto his enormously expensive suit than any extra-marital shenanigans to be honest! Who needs to stand like that?!

You know Beyonce just lets Rita Ora just drape herself all over her husband and doesn’t say a word because she’s Beyonce, and is not threatened. Nor should she be. Sit down, Rita. God.

Can you just imagine though? Rachael Ray and Jay Z, secret celebrity couple. I’m into it.

Oh thank you. My mother, after 32 years of being a kickass mom, died two months ago very unexpectedly. Not sure I should read through this thread. Might be an ugly-cry-at-home-alone kind of night if I do.

If your mom is no longer with us and you would like tissues, support, and/or kitten gifs, this is the thread for you.

“Girl, I don’t need an off-the-shoulder dress to show off my traps. Do you even lift?”

Photoshop of horrors, 1832 edition.

Ha! One of my best friends had surgery yesterday and I spent way too much time texting her pictures of a young Rick Springfield in scrubs. We are of a certain age.

He looks amazing!

Thank you! I just shouted at my screen, “What are you all—twelve? Rick Springfield doesn’t rate a mention?”


They have a closet that is 6,000 square feet.

My house, a Victorian built in 1887, has 2,084 square feet. And we have two bedrooms that are basically not used.

Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.

OT- but Dave Foley was so, so pretty in the 90s

I actually went to the theater and saw that movie by myself. None of my friends would go with me. I had a very unhealthy crush/obsession with Dave Foley...

I KNOWWWW, my sister-in-law got some gorgeous seal gloves for Christmas (she works on an oil rig in Norway) and I was sooo jealous! LOL

It’s not like folks are going out and splashing seal brains on the ice for sadistic fun or to be cruel.

It’s because Newfoundland & Labrador was a separate dominion from Canada until the late 40s and are still super bitter about “Regular Canada” coming in and fucking their shit up every chance they get. At least that’s the impression I get. :S

The Salted Caramel Timbits are delicious sugary crack. If Rob Ford were addicted to those instead of ACTUAL crack, Toronto would be a MUCH better place. LOL