Missy Pants

My mom was so out of it when my dad died over the summer that she accidentally chose an urn shaped like a turtle for his ashes. My sister and I lost our shit laughing/crying when we received it and my mom just stared at it in horror. Dad would have gotten a kick out of it. Edited: sorry about your dog.

I was once in the emergency room with a loved one when the hospital’s billing service came by and tried to cajole his credit card number out of him just after he’d been given a powerful painkiller.

“Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping”

OMG, I got so excited watching that little kid grow! So happy to see him free himself from that horrible little chair.

my favourite of the three is Elastic Heart, both song and video. she'll be ok, to be honest, Dance Moms is actually more scary than having millions of people watching you dance with the Rattail Man. have you seen it? those mothers are absolutely mental.

I predict that - in a year or two, when she starts looking like a young woman instead of a kid - the novelty will wear off, and people will stop paying attention to her.

Straight lanolin is the way to go for lips.

Isn't most store bought water just another location's tap water though?

I have no idea if any of what you said is true where you live, but if that's the case then I feel sorry for you. Bad tap water is a shitty cross to bear.

I worked in restaurants all throughout my 20's. Sexual harassment is a part of the job, so much so that, as both CA Pinkham and the woman in this story say, you just grow accustomed to it being a part of the job, ESPECIALLY from the kitchen staff. I have this strange feeling even typing this, that just acknowledging

How many times is too many times to watch this GIF in a row

“Kim doesn’t give a single fuck if Rob dies.”


1) Waiters make bank. I know this because I once met a guy who was a waiter who made over 50k and only declared 30k on his taxes.

My family was in Montreal on vacation, and none of us spoke French, and we were trying to find the Olympic stadium, or something (don't remember exactly) and my dad was like "Let's just follow someone!" So my parents (for reasons that are utterly lost to time) picked these two 20-something girls and legit, me (8) my

My mother and her girlfriend liked to follow cops around. Yeah, she got in trouble for it.

Yes, well most models look a lot better on film than they do in person. Most of the truly great models look a little alien, or "other-ish" in person. That's why they're models! There are also a lot of people who stunning in person and don't have that translate in a photo. In other words, it can be the camera's