When people compliment me I tend to respond with "I know". I rock the conceited, vain labels.
When people compliment me I tend to respond with "I know". I rock the conceited, vain labels.
It's complicated. When people tell me I'm pretty, I'm like 'Pff, I am average. Maybe even above average if I've had a good night's sleep. But I'm not all that, by a long shot'. And then sometimes I'll take a photo of myself and be all 'wtf photo, I am looking much cuter than that today! RECOGNISE MY CUTENESS'
(I would go with the third option of "I'm about as attractive as people say)
As she was looking through her wedding proofs, one of my friends once asked, "Am I not as hot as I think I am? Or do I just not photograph well?"
Excuse you, what is with these limited options? I am flawless and everyone knows it.
I was a “natural birth control” (aka the rhythm method) baby, and my parents were always upfront about that. What I like about that is I was introduced from an early age to the concept of parental fallibility, so it was less surprising when my parents made mistakes.
That’s not true though. Selena wasn’t a practicing Jehovah’s Witness. The bullet severed an artery in her shoulder. The doctors gave her blood transfusions in the hospital. Her father requested that they stop, but the doctors didn’t know about his request, so they continued to try to resuscitate her, including more…
Not really related to the article, but I met Zoe Kravitz at a work function about a year ago and had no idea who she was. She was very reserved, very quiet and so polite to everyone.
He’s hardly in it at all. Find out which episodes he’s in and skip ‘em. It’s a really important show!
Rock on. That is awesome and you sound like a fantastic mother.
If you’ve read Douglas Adams, you’ll know Dirk Gently’s navigation method: Find someone who looks like s/he knows where s/he’s going, and follow that person.
Oh look, your father just shit a brick here in this video because he was only making $6.15 an hour when we found out we were pregnant and I’d just been laid off. Plus, we were living right above a dildo factory.
Yeah I mean, Sophie Calle made a whole career out of following strangers. I don't think it's the end of the world.
I found out I was pregnant my senior year of college. When I told my son's father (also a senior in college) he cried for weeks. He cried more often during my pregnancy than I did. Neither one of us were financially or emotionally prepared for a baby. His father pushed for abortion, even scheduling an appointment at…
I was an accident and my mom considered adoption and abortion. In the end she just decided she had no solid reasons NOT to keep me. so she did. And it was rad. And she shared this with me at various times in my life and you know what? I love it. And i appreciate the realism. Her honesty and clear joy and where things…
One of the things this writeup doesn’t touch on is that, specifically, endocrine disrupters have been linked to intersex fish; that’s something that was observed actually occurring in ecosystems in the early 2000s (actually I’m sure there are earlier documented observations, but the system I’m most familiar with, it…
"devise a type of contraception that's equally good for the body and the environment"
no, no, i realized later that the "some guy" i was referring to was win butler, whose face i cannot identify on command.
In all fairness to the doctor, there could have been a live baby out there somewhere who needed medical attention. A doctor can hardly not report that.
Because they don't see it as an issue. This is literally 100000% percent about controlling women's sexuality. They've latched onto this "fetal right" thing as saying no woman should be having sex unless she's married/expecting a damn child.