Missy Pants

sorry i'm late to the ari shaffir thing. i don't know where else to comment where this will be seen. nbd thing. anyway, i saw him live. i was on a first date with a guy and we were seated front and center. he came on and he talked about how jewish he was and then the rest were dick jokes like every other male comic.

Yes, Alberta. I remember a suit too. What struck me was the reporter repeating over and over that the woman at the center of the suit WASN'T a mental defective as originally diagnosed, as if that made it a greater crime.

Hello ya hoser!

My dad is awesome. A truly great, loving, wonderful, compassionate man. His relationship with my brother is rocky, unfortunately, but he has never stopped loving or caring about him, nor will he ever. He's such a teddy bear.

I think they definitely darkened his skin. I mean, when Fred Armisen used to play Barack Obama, they definitely darkened his skin, which garnered some criticism. But Dwayne Johnson is literally the descendent of black American slaves who escaped to Canada. Fred Armisen is German/Japanese/Venezuelan.

Excuse you, you're supposed to be utterly crushed because some random pissant on the internet thinks you aren't good at sex.

It's true. No man is. Also, did someone teleport you from a 1950s era romantic comedy?

Ha! I know. Lots of people here with lots of feelings.

In which Snacktastic makes a short, clear reasonable comment and the world goes mad.

I'd apply that to both people in any relationship.

Sure. I'm not sure why you are ascribing a double standard to me. I'm all for honesty in relationships

I'm not sure that there is a finite amount of blowjobs but b/c she did not get what she wanted from a sexual relationship, she got into one where she did. I have no issue with this.

The lady in the article did but that sounds like that just pissed everyone off even more.


I think you might have me confused with another poster. :) Or you might have misinterpreted something I said. Either way, that's not true. Also, you're weird.

Over and over you are missing one point: the guy she's seeing WANTS to go down on her. Stop acting like she is deceiving him, bossing him around, or assaulting him. Just get over the idea this lady doesn't give blow jobs, but has found someone who wants to eat her out WITHOUT getting a blowjob.


What a shorty human being. At least you and your siblings recognize him for the filth he is. My brother never had a relationship with him and had t seen him since he was five. Yet, ever since he died three years ago, he has this strange hero worship thing going on with him even though he abused my mom and tried to

Are you my stepbrother in disguise? That's what my bio dad did to me and my brother (although I think it was for around $80k, including the time he ran away to Wisconsin to avoid paying child support). And bio dad wonders why we don't really want to talk to him.

And a rage star from me to you. Fucking lowlife.