Missy Pants

Pretty sure Holly was using hyperbole—but she'd have to come back to defend that idea.

what, are you looking for screen caps?

Ummmmmmmmmmm, women in games are constantly being told that almost every time we play games. We shouldn't have to prove our lived experiences to you. If you don't believe us, go to 4chan, make a post, and casually mention that you're a woman. Enjoy all the "tits or gtfo" and "there are no girls on the internet"

Man, it must be sweet to have the only part of your appearance ridiculed something you can very easily just shave off.

Fucking awesome!! This anthology is much-needed, long-dreamed-of, and long-overdue.... The more folks become aware of our stories, the less anybody will even try to claim that 'there are no girls on the internet' and 'girls never used to play games' or any of the standard gamergator party lines.

I'm really, really sorry that you know that.

"Kylie Jenner should be in sixth period biology right now instead of flexing like a grown woman on Instagram"

I see that the neckbeards are already commenting here. Oh hooray...

The good thing about knives, they hardly ever 'go off'' accidentally like guns seem to do, every damn day.

A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.

Geez. She's 85. Just let her live there until she is ready to leave.

True confession time...I was a brainy girl who started college at 15. I was an engineering major and there were very few women in my class. Oddly enough, none of the college boys hit on me. But the professors were another story. And, it did feel kind of romantic and adult. Fortunately I was aware enough to not

This! I was always a little too scared and insecure (thank God) to take any of the older men who flirted with me up on their offers, but I always felt like I could. I was more mature than my friends, I was smarter, I knew more about the world. Don't we all tell ourselves that when we're teens? There are so many

Yep. Except when I was that age, I didn't see it as creepy (well, depending on who was doing the creeping) - I had a thing for older guys/men and authority figures and it all seemed kind of romantic and sexy.

"though I dismissed it as the kind of thing that seemed to happen any time middle-aged men got around young women,"

yes, that's impressive!! My mom would certainly have put her foot down (I think), but otherwise Teenage Me would likely have gone and.... regretted it. :-(

She was the only adult in that room at her parents...

I saw a documentary she made about herself on Netflix and, basically, her family was FUCKED. UP.

Good for her for protecting herself, especially as a teenager with parents who obviously weren't looking out for her. I certainly don't think Teenage Me would have had the awareness or strength to flat-out reject someone with that level of professional sway.

As fucking dumb and offensive the idea of arm spanx is to me, I would wear them every day if it meant Ted Cruz also had to wear them.