omg that SWEATER.
omg that SWEATER.
Dachshunds are magical and to experience them is equivalent to breathing in the fresh air at the top of a mountain at sunrise.
I used to be fairly ambivalent about dachshunds, but the posts here lately have changed my mind forever. GIMME ALL THE DACHSHUNDS.
In many occasions I feel puppies love are innocent like small bay smile. I had a Pomeranian. Name is tomy. He had a great love and affection with me. After my studies I got a job in one cheap essay writing service. The office is in Pensacola. This is so far from my house. So I left him.
I'm always up on my high horse preaching about getting a rescue dog, but you know what? If some creep emerged from a back alley and offered me that dog for $100 it would very difficult to say no. Puppy!!!
Lol my dog totally does not want to stay home when I'm leaving. Not sure which dogs would (unless they're old).
It's a baby dachshund, which makes it so much better too.
It's baby Knox! Dogs on Vine bring me life. :)
To be fair, I did that in 1997. Brown lips!
Jesus Christ. That woman needs to be stopped. Jesus Christ. Seriously, I'm fucking stunned.
It says something about my general misanthropy that I'm most upset about the 3 dogs.
I am presently reading Why Does He Do That? I consider myself, as a family lawyer specializing in domestic violence, fairly knowledgeable. But after attending four presentations by Mr. Bancroft at a conference, holy shit I learned so much and I was already well ahead of the public. I recommend EVERYONE read this…
Watching the Jinx and All Good Things, this makes me so angry how people then (and now) completely excuse away abusive behavior. Everyone go out and read Lundy Bancroft's Why Does He Do That? about abusive men if you haven't already. I want everyone to know the signs of an abuse.
Welcome to the future 2015, where pets are treated like children and children are treated like pets.