Missy Pants

I assume her real name is Virginia Ellisor, because this Facebook page pretty much matches up. Love the Jan 4 2014 post about how Obama isn't really the president, so all his appointments are null and void.

My grandmother was deeply affected by the anxiety of being poor during the war, and she retained her spendthrift ways up until she died just last year. Going through her things, what amazed me was that she kept everything, and so, so carefully. Every purchased item in its original box, often with the receipt taped to

One of my guy friends is a model and I saw these pictures of this girl at his agency modeling wedding dresses. She was 13 at the time. She was just tall and they made her look older. Blew my mind at the time.


Can't we all agree: Whatever your body looks like, it doesn't look like it should?

Sittin back for the inevitable skinny shaming vs fat shaming wars

It's almost like they don't have any idea what they're talking about

There is a difference between being naturally skinny and what Isabelle Caro was, this is what they are trying to stop.


how about stop using children as models for adult clothing. Banning what they think is too skinny is dumb. How about showing a wider variety of models.

Women: Never ever vote for a Republican.

I quoted directly from the post: she thinks they may have offered them drinks or an appetizer. She's not sure. You'd think it'd be standard procedure to offer a comp when you mess up getting someone's order to the kitchen, the least you'd do, not a "maybe." So I tend to think it most likely didn't happen.

I'm with you and the customer up until the punitive damages demand. Certainly the most understandable of the upset customers this week.

You weren't?!? Weren't you regaled with stories about how it would make you blind? Especially during solar eclipses?

T'was the summer of 2006. I was a server at the Olive Garden. (Editor's Note: Thank you for actually calling the place by its name) Those were dark times.

If I waited two hours for a fucking table at a shithole restaurant in the backwaters of Minnesota, and the staff "lost" my order on top of that, I would not be satisfied with a half-assed apology and some free mozzarella sticks. At the very least, any decent manager is going to comp your meal at that point. So, Doug

Personally, when I make them at home, I layer them. Nacho layer, sprinkle de cheese, nacho layer, sprinkle de cheese, repeat until satisfied.

I am so unsurprised to hear this story about the Tim Hortons asshole, and would be even more unsurprised to discover it happened in Toronto. People here treat the employees at Tim Hortons like fucking garbage, especially if they aren't white. I hate going to Timmy's, aside from the fact that their coffee is gross,

Nacho Nacho Man! I'm going to be a nacho man!

Dude if that looks belongs to her husband alone I have fucked her husband like, 12 times.